Looking Outwards – 06

Exterior of the Israel Pavilion showcasing LifeObject

LifeObject, is an innovative installation that exhibits the linear and structural properties of a bird’s nest. LifeObject was initially designed based off of the visuals of a nest through 3D scanning. With scientific analysis through architecture, it is made with over 1500 components, resembling twigs. These twigs rely on tension and are light weight, opaque, and sturdy. In addition, the presence of living bodies triggers a variety of unique biological elements.

There is a system of hierarchy reflected through the process, from design to fabrication to assembly. The entire form is made by the use of gravity and that is where randomness comes into the design.  With the analysis of the bird’s nest, twig-like structures were produced and arranged/bent randomly with a preset value, which means that the form of LifeObject is adaptable. The core is simple, the inner array is varied slightly, and the edges are diverse in static movement.

The introduction and practice of new materials blurred the line between digital fabrication processes and design. And this sort of architectural exploration – properties of materials and modes of transformation – came from the architect’s palette of expression.

LifeObject Article: Inside Israel’s Pavilion at the 2016 Venice Biennale by Arielle Blonder, 2016

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