Looking Outwards 10 – Sara Frankel

Caption: Project, Light Clock, captures the moment every 5 minutes, 24/7 for the entire year.

The project I chose was the Light Clock by Caroline Record that is actually set up right down the street outside at the Carnegie Museum of Art. The clock conveys the passing of time through a continuously swooping solitary hand, which makes a rotation every 5 minutes and each time it gets to the top, the clock captures a 360º image of the museum plaza. Taking a panorama photo of the entrance facing Forbes Ave, it documents the images inside , resulting in hundreds of thousands of images. What I love about this project is that it literally stops life to look around and “realize” whats going on. Life feels like its flying by and sometimes you need to be reminded to stop and look around you to analyze what’s going on in the moment. Caroline Record is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University with a Bachelors in Art and a Masters in Science. She works at The Innovation Studio which specializes in crafting custom digital experiences for the four Carnegie Museums (The Carnegie Museum of Art, The Carnegie Museum of Natural History, the Andy Warhol Museum, and the Carnegie Science Center ). She involved in every detail of creating immersive interactive experiences (Taken from her Linkdin profile*).


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