Han Yu Project 3 Dynamic Drawing


// Han Yu
// Section D
// hyu1@andrew.cmu.edu
// Project-03

function setup() {

function draw() {
	var newx = 1000;
	var newy = 1000;

// changing colors of background
// spinning background

// the moving pin


I started out this project trying to make something hypnotizing. I also want my project to be more interactive so I added another element to make the whole picture following the mouse. The pin that follows the mouse was inspired by the kaleidoscope. Overall I think this project is very challenging but I learned a lot from working on it.

Yoo Jin Shin-Project-03-Dynamic-Drawing


// Yoo Jin Shin
// Section D
// yoojins@andrew.cmu.edu
// Project-03

var eyeSize = 50;

// top pupil
var pupilSizeL = 5;
var pupilSizeR = 6;

// bottom pupil
var pupilSize2L = 10;
var pupilSize2R = 10;
var pupilLeftX2 = 128;
var pupilLeftY2 = 164;
var pupilRightX2 = 210;
var pupilRightY2 = 166;

var faceHeight = 300;
var faceR = 244;
var faceG = 240;
var faceB = 132;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
    // gradient background that changes with mouse position
    var backgroundR = mouseX * 0.39;
    var backgroundG = mouseY * 0.53;
    var backgroundB = 255;
    background(backgroundR, backgroundG, backgroundB);

    // face width that enlarges from 10 to width as mouseX moves right
    fill(faceR, faceG, faceB);
    ellipse(180, 180, constrain(mouseX, 10, width), faceHeight);

    // left eye
    ellipse(140, 160, eyeSize, eyeSize);

    // left pupil that follow mouse within left eye boundary
    ellipse(constrain(mouseX, 125, 153), constrain(mouseY, 150, 168), pupilSizeL, pupilSizeL);
    ellipse(pupilLeftX2, pupilLeftY2, pupilSize2L, pupilSize2L);

    // left eyebrow
    fill(backgroundR, backgroundG, backgroundB);
    rect(125, 123, 25, 7, 3);

    // right eye
    ellipse(220, 160, eyeSize, eyeSize);

    // right pupil that follow mouse within right eye boundary
    ellipse(constrain(mouseX, 207, 230), constrain(mouseY, 150, 168), pupilSizeR, pupilSizeR);
    ellipse(pupilRightX2, pupilRightY2, pupilSize2R, pupilSize2R);

    // right eyebrow
    fill(backgroundR, backgroundG, backgroundB);
    rect(210, 123, 25, 7, 3);

    // mouth
    fill(backgroundR, backgroundG, backgroundB);
    arc(180, 180, 20, 40, TWO_PI, PI);

    // "SNOW" text that enlarges from 20 to mouseX as mouse moves right
    textSize(20 + mouseX / 4);
    text('SNOW', constrain(mouseX, 0, width), 390);

    // background snow that follows mouse position
    translate(mouseX + 1, mouseY + 1);
    ellipse(mouseX + 5, mouseY + 5, 8, 8);
    ellipse(mouseX + 10, mouseY + 50, 3, 3);
    ellipse(mouseX + 80, mouseY + 50, 10, 10);
    ellipse(mouseX + 50, mouseY + 200, 20, 20);
    ellipse(mouseX + 20, mouseY + 100, 8, 8);
    ellipse(mouseX + 100, mouseY + 90, 14, 14);
    ellipse(mouseX + 52, mouseY + 100, 8, 8);
    ellipse(mouseX + 102, mouseY + 200, 3, 3);
    ellipse(mouseX + 88, mouseY + 300, 10, 10);
    ellipse(mouseX + 502, mouseY + 400, 20, 20);
    ellipse(mouseX + 202, mouseY + 430, 8, 8);
    ellipse(mouseX + 102, mouseY + 240, 14, 14);
    ellipse(mouseX - 5, mouseY - 5, 8, 8);
    ellipse(mouseX - 10, mouseY - 50, 3, 3);
    ellipse(mouseX - 80, mouseY - 50, 10, 10);
    ellipse(mouseX - 50, mouseY - 200, 20, 20);
    ellipse(mouseX - 20, mouseY - 100, 8, 8);
    ellipse(mouseX - 100, mouseY - 90, 14, 14);

I modified my variable face to make it more interactive by adding features like face shape, color, text, and snow that change as the mouse position changes. I think it’s interesting how depending on the face width, the face can range from looking like a fish to a pancake.

Yoo Jin Shin-LookingOutwards-03

Meshu: 3D-Printed Custom Jewelry

Process diagram and example Meshu earrings

In 2012, Rachel Binx and Sha Hwang launched their 3D-printed custom jewelry business, Meshu. Binx and Hwang found a way to materialize and share their expertise in design technology and love for travel. A customer simply needs to enter locations of personally significant cities and a “Meshu” is generated and fabricated. “The data for Meshu comes from OpenStreetMap, and is served from Mapzen.”

I think the whole concept of Meshu is unique and very personal. It goes beyond capturing memories through photos or buying a souvenir magnet from the places you’ve traveled. The custom jewelry seem bold, but their special significance is not explicit— many would assume the piece is simply a random geometric shape. However, since the algorithm uses the meaningful locations specified by each customer, it always creates a unique piece.

Han Yu Looking Outwards 03

Meshu is a project started by two technological artists Rachel Binx and Sha Hwang. It generates artistically crafted earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings  from the map data entered by users. I admire this project because the products are both aesthetically pleasing and meaningful to whoever ordered them. You can use it as a sweet reminder of a memorable trip or a special place in your heart and wear it all the time. The all designs are in a minimalist style but guaranteed to be unique.

Meshu’s creation process.

Binx and Hwang use custom algorithm to generate a Meshu based on the cities and locations that customers have entered. I haven’t been able to find the exact algorithmic technique that they use to design the Meshu but each designs are 3D printed before any further work.

White Nylon Earrings made by Meshu.
White Nylon Necklace in pedal by Meshu.

John Legelis – Looking Outwards 3 – Computational Fabrication

Meta-Mesh is a project that employes a biomimetics design philosophy (meaning to mimic nature) to create body armor that functions in a similar way to the exoskeleton of an ancient fish. The implementation of this project is cutting edge and uses state of the art tools such as additive manufacturing and algorithmic computational fabrication to execute the desired manufacturing process.


The design process, stems from fish scale armor

Due to this project’s copycat nature, the creator’s artistic touch is simply an effort to mimic the original artistic touch of nature. The algorithms that synthesize this project are likely complex, but due to the finite number of “links” in the armor, the bits can be treated as module. This allows finite element analysis (FEA) to be very useful in digital trial and error before the forms are even physicalized.

Han Yu Looking Outwards 02

Marius Watz is a generative artist based in New York and Oslo. I admire his modular lattice because the design is abstract but extremely intricate. It looks spiky and  lifeless when you first see it but the longer you stare at it, the more complex and vivid it starts to become, like some carefully engineered DNA tower. In fact, Watz 3D printed the parametric objects using ABS plastic. He is known for using pure software technology and digital fabrication technology to generative hard-edged, and often vivid colored artworks. At any Watz displays, he would always show the simulation and processing on display to let people truly experience the making of generative arts. He aspire to show the audience the real side of generative art, not just the final product like Hollywood which aspires to imitate the real world.

Modular Lattice by Marius Watz. Max height 16”. Aug 8, 2012.

Jessica Timczyk – Project 02


// Jessica Timczyk
// Section D
// jtimczyk@andrew.cmu.edu
// Project 02 - Variable Face

var eyeSize = 40;
var faceWidth = 200;
var faceHeight = 300;
var faceColorR = 241;
var faceColorG = 146;
var faceColorB = 188;
var eyeColorR = 126;
var eyeColorG = 242;
var eyeColorB = 230;
var eyeLX = 640 / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
var eyeRX = 640 / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;
var mouthHeight = 480 / 2 + 40
var noseHeight = 25

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
    background(226, 179, 239);

    // face color
    fill(faceColorR, faceColorG, faceColorB);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth,  faceHeight);

    //eye variables
    var eyeLX = 640 / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = 640 / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;

    // eyeball shapes
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize * 3/4);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize * 3/4);

    // irises shape
    // the iris color will change but the variables are rearranged so that 
    // they are not the same color as the face
    fill(eyeColorR, eyeColorG, eyeColorB);
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize * 2/3, eyeSize * 2/3);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize * 2/3, eyeSize * 2/3);

    // Pupil
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize * 1/3, eyeSize * 1/3);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize * 1/3, eyeSize * 1/3);

    //eyebrow variables
    var eyebrowLX = eyeLX - 30;
    var eyebrowRX = eyeRX - 30;

    // left eyebrow shape
    fill(123, 72, 72);
    curveVertex(eyebrowLX, height / 2 - 20);
    curveVertex(eyebrowLX, height / 2 - 20);
    curveVertex(eyebrowLX + 30, height / 2 - 40);
    curveVertex(eyebrowLX + 50, height / 2 - 35);
    curveVertex(eyebrowLX + 50, height / 2 - 30);
    curveVertex(eyebrowLX + 30, height / 2 - 33);
    curveVertex(eyebrowLX + 30, height / 2 - 33);

    // right eyebrow shape
    fill(123, 72, 72);
    curveVertex(eyebrowRX + 60, height / 2 - 20);
    curveVertex(eyebrowRX + 60, height / 2 - 20);
    curveVertex(eyebrowRX + 30, height / 2 - 40);
    curveVertex(eyebrowRX + 10, height / 2 - 35);
    curveVertex(eyebrowRX + 10, height / 2 - 30);
    curveVertex(eyebrowRX + 30, height / 2 - 33);
    curveVertex(eyebrowRX + 30, height / 2 - 33);

    // mouth shape
    stroke(235, 65, 97);
    arc(width / 2, faceHeight, 80, 80, 0, PI, CHORD);

    // restraining mouth height to stay below 2/3 of the way down 
    // the page as to not overlap with the eyes as they move
    if (faceHeight <= height * 2/3) {
        faceHeight = mouthHeight;

    // Pig nose
    fill(227, 138, 190);
    ellipse(width / 2, faceHeight - noseHeight, 70, 60);

    // nostrils
    ellipse(width / 2 - 10, faceHeight - noseHeight, 8, 15);
    ellipse(width / 2 + 10, faceHeight - noseHeight, 8, 15);

    // ears
    fill(faceColorR, faceColorG, faceColorB);
    ellipse(eyeLX, faceHeight * 1/3, 90, 85);
    ellipse(eyeRX, faceHeight * 1/3, 90, 85);

    // cheaks
    // use eyeRX as x value so that the cheeks move with the eyes
    arc(eyeRX + 35, faceHeight + 10, 80, 80, PI, PI + HALF_PI, OPEN);
    arc(eyeLX - 35, faceHeight + 10, 80, 80, PI + HALF_PI, TWO_PI, OPEN);


function mousePressed() {
    // when the user clicks, these variables are reassigned
    // to random values within specified ranges. For example,
    // 'faceWidth' gets a random value between 75 and 150.
    faceWidth = random(150, 500);
    faceHeight = random(100, 400);
    eyeSize = random(30, 85);
    faceColorR = random(235, 244);
    faceColorG = random(54, 194);
    faceColorB = random(161, 224);
    eyebrowLX = random(eyeLX - 50, eyeLX - 10);
    eyebrowRX = random(eyeRX - 50, eyeLX - 10);
    mouthHeight = random(270, 330);
    noseHeight = random(40, 15);
    eyeColorR = random(126, 242);
    eyeColorG = random(126, 242);
    eyecolorB= random(126, 242);

It took me a little while to understand how to use the random command with variables to get the results I wanted. Each time I would add a new feature, I would draw it on the original face, and then add in the random movement and random function at the end. Most of my time was then spent manipulating the bounds so that the different features of my pig faces would not overlap.

John Legelis Project 02 Variable Face


//John Legelis
//Section D 3:00-4:30
//Project-02 Variable Faces; Face Variables

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);
var centerX
centerX = 480/2

var centerY
centerY = 640/2

function mousePressed() {

function draw() {
    var BcolorR
    BcolorR = random(126,240)
    var BcolorG
    BcolorG = random(126,240)
    var BcolorB
    BcolorB = random(126,240)

    // randomize face dimensions
    var faceW;
    faceW = random(0+100,480-100);

    var faceH;
    faceH = random(0+50,640-50);

    var max_nose_gap
    max_nose_gap = faceW/7
    var max_eye_size
    max_eye_size = faceW/2 - (max_nose_gap)

    var FcolorR
    FcolorR = random(126,240)
    var FcolorG
    FcolorG = random(126,240)
    var FcolorB
    FcolorB = random(126,240)
    //Draw Face
    ellipse(centerX, centerY, faceW, faceH);

    // randomize eye width in relation to face dimensions and not larger than largest possible
    var eyeW;
    eyeW = min((random(faceW / 6, faceW/2)),(max_eye_size));

    // randomize eye height in relation to face dimensions
    var eyeH;
    eyeH = random(faceH/5, faceH/9);

    // randomize eye placement within left side of place and not overlapping eye width with nose or edge of face
    var pY;
    pY = centerY;
    //calculate leftmost left pupil X value   
    var lpXmin
    lpXmin = centerX - faceW/2 + eyeW/2

    //calulate rightmost left pupil X value
    var lpXmax
    lpXmax = centerX - eyeW/2 - (max_nose_gap/2)

    var lpX;
    lpX = random(lpXmin, lpXmax)

    // draw left eye
    ellipse(lpX, pY, eyeW, eyeH)

    // draw left pupil
    ellipse(lpX, pY, eyeW/3, eyeH);

    //figure out coordinate of right pupil
    var centerX_to_lpX
    centerX_to_lpX = centerX - lpX

    var rpX
    rpX = centerX + centerX_to_lpX

    //draw right eye
    ellipse(rpX, pY, eyeW, eyeH)

    //draw right pupil
    ellipse(rpX, pY, eyeW/3, eyeH)


    //nose bridge -----------

    // nose bridge top y
    var nbtY
    nbtY = centerY

    // random nose bottom y
    var nbY
    nbY = random(centerY+faceH/6, centerY+faceH/3)

    //random nose bridge width 
    var nbW
    nbW = min(max_nose_gap, faceW/10)
    print("noseWidth =" + nbW)

    //nose bridge left x
    var nblX
    nblX = centerX - nbW/2

    //nose bridge right x
    var nbrX
    nbrX = nblX + nbW

    //draw nose bridge rectangle
    rect(nblX,nbtY, nbrX,nbY)

    //nose bulb------------
    var bulbW
    bulbW = random(faceW/6,faceW/8)

    var bulbH
    bulbH = random(faceH/10, faceH/15)

    var bulbtX
    bulbtX = centerX - bulbW/2

    var bulbtY
    bulbtY = nbY - bulbH

    var bulbbX
    bulbbX = centerX + bulbW/2

    var bulbbY
    bulbbY = nbY

    rect(bulbtX, bulbtY, bulbbX, bulbbY)

    var mW
    mW = random(faceW/3, faceW/4)

    var mH
    mH = random(faceH/7, faceH/10)

    var mcX
    mcX = centerX

    var mcY
    mcY = ((nbY+ (centerY+faceH/2))/2)

    fill(FcolorR+40, FcolorG+40, FcolorB+40)
    rect(mcX, mcY, mW, mH)

    line(mcX-mW/2, mcY, mcX+mW/2, mcY)



Drafting and Calculations in Sketchbook

This project demanded the use of variables because all of the facial variants were based on ratios involving the facial dimensions. These dimensions change with every click so the values for many dimensions of the face are derived from there.

Han Yu Project 2 Variable Face


// Han Yu
// Section D
// hyu1@andrew.cmu.edu
// Project-02

var facew = 200
var faceh = 200
var color1 = 219 
var color2 = 255
var color3 = 238
var eyesize = 5
var pupildiff = 40
var mouthopen = 10

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {

function mousePressed() {
    facew = random(150,300);
    faceh = random(150,280);
    color1 = random(165,255);
    color2 = random(165,255);
    color3 = random(195,255);
    eyesize = random(5,22);
    pupildiff = random(40,100);
    mouthopen = random(-50,20);

I was inspired by Domo the brown monster when I first started my project. But later I decided to make a meme-like character with a melodramatic expression while doing something. Overall, I feel like this project is challenging but enjoyable.

Jessica Timczyk – Looking Outwards 02

Nervous System, a design studio focused on designing and producing products inspired by natural phenomena, utilizes computer programming to craft their creations. Rather than designing each piece of work individually, the group ingeniously creates computer programs to construct  many new designs, each one being unique. Specifically, the group’s kinematic dress project provides an interesting combination of art and computer programming. A code was seemingly written to design thousands of unique interlocking shapes to make up the dress, resulting in an extremely interesting pattern created by the coder within the “fabric” of the dress which was then 3D printed. It is made up of thousands of triangular panels and hinges, giving the design its motion and mobility. The dress was created and designed by the Nervous System team, including: Jessica Rosenkrantz, Jesse Louis- Rosenberg, Margaret Swanson, and Peter Sanroma in 2014.

The video above describes in more detail the process the team went through to produce the Kinematics Dress.