Claire Yoon-LookingOutwards -04

Meandering River-audiovisual art installation

Meandering Rivers is an multi channel video installation that premiered at Funkhaus, Berlin on 7/28 to 7/30. It is suspended on multiple screens inside the Sound Chamber’s concrete cavern. There is music, composed by an A.I. playing that shifts in tone when the river and surface patterns shift while this video is playing which, further adds on movement through sonic sound and visuals. A nice harmony is created . between the sound and imagery that creates an “intense emotional journey” through looking at this installation.

This installation uses the vibrancy and dynamic textures on this painting to represent natural forces that have actually shaped these landscapes over time. Although the sound is not verbally communicating anything there is depth and symbolism to the sound that helps conveys the message better as well.

vibrant painterly soundscapes creating rhythmic movement of rivers

LookingOutwards 03- Claire Yoon

Stratasys 3D Printed Cape & Skirt with Objet Connex Multi-material 3D Printed Technology

Anthozoa is a 3D-printed dress that debuted during Paris Fashion Week Spring 2013. MIT collaborated with fashion designer Iris Van Herpen for her show “Voltage.” They used Stratasys’ unique Objet Connex multi-material 3D printing technology that incorporates both hard and soft materials, which add a nice contrast and movement to the piece. When you look at this design up close they seem rather like underwater corals or something that is related to nature.

I was amazed by the complexity but yet cohesiveness to the design. Unlike other dresses that also have variety of textures by incorporating 3D printing definitely adds more depth and texture to the design making it especially unique.

Claire Yoon – Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing


/*Claire Yoon
  Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);
function draw() {
    // sky from night to day
    background (138 - mouseY, 225 - mouseY, 255 - mouseY)

// pulling up blinds
    noStroke ();
    fill(237,236, 230);
    rect(0, 60 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 120 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 180 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 240 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 300 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 360 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 420 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    rect(0, 480 - mouseY, 480, 50 + mouseY / 50);
    fill(216,213, 195);
    rect(0, 0, 480, 55);
// counter

I really enjoyed playing around with all the different types of elements we learned so far such as position, translating, rotating, and use of color.

Claire Yoon-Looking Outwards-02

The eCloud Sculpture is an interactive installation project that is located at the San Jose International Airport and created in 2010. Whenever I travel I usually go to this airport and these endless line of tiles have always intrigued my eye while walking down the long hallway.

This sculpture is made up of hundreds of polycarbonate tiles hung from a tensile structure that respond to the real-time weather data from all over the world by changing from transparent to opaque. The tiles reflect the current weather as when it is raining the eCloud looks like it is dropping while when it is cloudy the display feels slow and lazy. This installation created by artist Aaron Koblin, designer Nik Hafermaas, and NASA visual strategist Dan Good is inspired by the behavior and volume of an idealized cloud and produced by UEBERSEE which is an artist production platform specializing in converging digital media with spatial experiences

Claire Yoon-Project-02-Variable-Face


/*Claire Yoon
  Section E
  // variables for face.
    var eyeSize = 35;
    var pupilSize = 25;
    var faceWidth = 110;
    var faceHeight = 110;
    var facecolorR = 255
    var facecolorG= 204;
    var facecolorB= 77;
    var brow = 185;
    var mouthx= 60
    var mouthy= 40

  function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

  function draw() {
    noStroke (0)
    fill(250, facecolorG, facecolorB)
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth*2,  faceHeight*2);

    //outer eye
    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.40;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.40;
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2.05, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2.05, eyeSize, eyeSize);

    fill(103, 70, 0)
    var pupilLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.40;
    var pupilRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.40;
    ellipse(pupilLX, height / 2.05, pupilSize, pupilSize);
    ellipse(pupilRX, height / 2.05, pupilSize, pupilSize);

    fill(238, 134, 154)
    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth*0.7;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth*0.7;
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 1.8, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 1.8, eyeSize, eyeSize);

    stroke(103, 70, 0);
    curveVertex(250, 200);
    curveVertex(250, 200);
    curveVertex(270, brow);
    curveVertex(300, brow);
    curveVertex(300, brow);

    stroke(103, 70, 0);
    curveVertex(340, brow);
    curveVertex(340, brow);
    curveVertex(370, brow);
    curveVertex(390, 200);
    curveVertex(390, 200);

    stroke(103, 70, 0);
    arc(width / 2, height / 1.8, mouthx, mouthy, TWO_PI, PI);

  function mousePressed() {
      // when the user clicks, these variables are reassigned
      // to random values within specified ranges. For example,
      // 'faceWidth' gets a random value between 75 and 150.
    faceWidth = random(100, 130);
    faceHeight = random(100, 130);
    facecolorG = random(76, 250);
    facecolorB = random(36, 120);
    eyeSize = random(0,50)
    pupilSize = random(20, 30);
    brow = random(180,200)
    mouthx = random(40,80)
    mouthy= random(30,70)

I gained inspiration from the emoji and set some values for things such as the eyebrows, eyes and the color of the face to show the difference in emotions when clicking on it.

Claire Yoon- Project 01- Self Portrait


I really enjoyed creating a self portrait despite it being my first time properly coding something. It was a challenge to create the shapes at first but after a while I gained more familiarity with coding shapes.

//Claire Yoon Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    background( 255, 249, 235)

    //back hair
    fill(21, 21, 53);
    ellipse(300, 300, 250, 250);

    fill(21, 21, 53);
    ellipse(300, 400, 280, 300);


    ellipse(300, 547, 280, 150);

    rect(160, 543, 280, 250);

    fill(245, 219, 214);
    ellipse(200, 355, 30, 40);

    fill(245, 219, 214);
    ellipse(395, 355, 30, 40);

    fill(245, 219, 214);
    rect(270, 440, 60, 50);

    fill(245, 219, 214);
    ellipse(300, 490, 61, 47);

    fill(252, 227, 222);
    rect(200, 270, 200, 80);

    fill(252, 227, 222);
    ellipse(300, 350, 200, 200);

    translate (265,250);
    fill(21, 21, 53);
    rotate (2.65);
    ellipse (0, 0, 200, 110);
    rotate (-2.65);
  	translate (-265,-250);

    translate (373,280);
    fill(21, 21, 53);
    rotate (-2.1);
    ellipse (0, 0, 170, 70);
    rotate (2.1);
    translate (-373,-280);

    fill(34, 34, 86);
    ellipse(260, 320, 30, 5);

    fill(34, 34, 86);
    ellipse(335, 320, 30, 5);

    //white part
    ellipse(260, 337, 17, 17);

    ellipse(335, 337, 17, 17);

    ellipse(260, 340, 15, 15);

    ellipse(335, 340, 15, 15);

    ellipse(300, 375, 20, 20);

    ellipse(300, 375, 20, 20);

    fill(252, 227, 222);
    ellipse(300, 370, 24, 20);

    ellipse(300, 406, 33, 20);

    fill(252, 227, 222);
    rect(283, 394, 60, 10);


Claire Yoon- LookingOutwards-01

A Million Times at Changi Airport Singapore by Humans since 1982: A clock and kinetic artwork with 504 interconnected clocks, one of the world's biggest art installations of its kind.
A Million Times at Changi Airport Singapore by Humans since 1982: A clock and kinetic artwork with 504 interconnected clocks, one of the world's biggest art installations of its kind.

A Million times at Changi is a functioning clock that I encountered at Changi Airport after visiting Singapore for vacation that represents the concept of time. This is not only a clock but also a kinetic sculpture that was developed by Humans Since 1982, which is a Stockholm-based artist collective, in 2014.

This art piece is made up of 504 clock-faces with hour and minute hands that have been programmed to spin in various directions to create a series of synchronized designers and patterns that change multiple times throughout the day. It represents the abstract concept of time passing by while also reporting real time.

Video:Changi Airport