Minjae Jeong-Project-04-StringArt


//Minjae Jeong
//Section B

function setup() {

function draw() {
    stroke(mouseX / 3, mouseY / 2, 255); //diagonal line
    line(0, 300, 400, 0);

    for (i = 0; i < 400; i += 10) { //top left purple curve
        stroke(204, 153, 255);
        line(0, 300 - i, i, 0);

    for (i = 0; i < 400; i += 10) { //bottom right emerald curve
        stroke(0, 255, 255);
        line(i, 300, 400, 300 - i);

    for (i = 0; i <= 200; i += 20) { //1st quadrant
        stroke(153, 102, 255);
        line(200, i - 50, 200 + i, 150);
    for (i = 0; i <= 200; i += 20){ //3rd quadrant
        stroke(0, 255, 204);
        line(i, 150, 200, 150 + i);

First it was very confusing to integrate for loops and line function to create string art. But after understanding the basics, It was a very fun and creative project to work on.

Jina Lee – Project 04

For this project, I played around with curves. I wanted to give a disco/chaotic vibe. When move your mouse around the canvas, the lines move making it seem more busy. I enjoyed this project because there were so many ways I could make my strings move. In the future, I want to add more curves to make it seem like a camera lens opening and closing with the string curve. This assignment helped me better understand how loops work and how I can manipulate curves with mouseX and mouseY.


//Jina Lee
//Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 400);

function draw() {
    //background is random
    red = random(255);
    green = random(255);
    blue = random(255);
    background(red, green, blue, 40);

    //lines that just go up and down
    //as the mouse goes right the lines appear
    for (var i = 0; i <= mouseX; i += 50) {
      	line(i, 0, i, height + i);
	  //top left corner and bottom right
    //it curves down
	  for (var a = 0; a < mouseX; a += 20) {
		    line(a, 0, width, a);
    //top right and left bottom
	  for (var b = 0; b < mouseY; b += 5) {
		    line(width + b, b, width - b, height);
	  //left top and bottom right
	  for (var c = 0; c < mouseX; c += 20) {
		    line(width - c, height, 0, height - c);
	  //left bottom and top right
	  for (var d = 0; d < mouseY; d += 5) {
		    line(0, height - d, d, 0);

project 04 – Ilona Altman – string art

This project was very interesting. It really helped me to isolate the changes of the variables in terms of width and height.


//Ilona Altman

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {

for(var x = 0; x < 2*width; x = x + 5) {
    line(x, width, 0, -1*x);

for(var x = 0; x < 2*width; x = x + 5) {
    line(x, width, height, -1*x);

for(var x = 0; x < 2*width; x = x + 5) {
    line(width - x, -1.5*height, 0, height-x);

for(var x = 0; x < 2*width; x = x + 10) {
    line(0.000000005*width + x, height, width, height - x);

for(var x = 0; x < 2*width; x = x + 5) {
    line(width - x, height, width, 0.000000001*width + x);


Sarah Kang – Project-04-String Art


//sarah kang
//section c
//project-04-string art

//for center diamond
var r = 255;
var g = 125;
var b = 175;

//for intermediate rays
var rr = 255;
var gg = 196; 
var bb = 179;

//for corner rays
var rrr = 255;
var ggg = 253;
var bbb = 232;

var W = 400;
var H = 300;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(W, H);

function draw() {


    //center diamond
    for (var i = 0; i < W; i += 10) {
        line(i, H / 2, W / 2, H - (0.8 / i));
        stroke(r, g, b);

        line(W / 2, 0.8 / i, i, H / 2);
        stroke(r, g, b);

    //intermediate rays
    for (var i = 0; i < W; i += 30) {
        line(W, 0.8 / i, i, H / 2);
        stroke(rr, gg, bb);

        line(i, H / 2, W, H - (0.8 / i));
        stroke(rr, gg, bb);

        line(0, 0.8 / i, i, H / 2);
        stroke(rr, gg, bb);

        line(i, H / 2, 0, H - (0.8 / i));
        stroke(rr, gg, bb);

    //corner rays
    for (var i = 0; i < W; i += 5) {
        line(i, H / 2, mouseX, H - (0.8 / i));
        stroke(rrr, ggg, bbb);

        line(mouseX, 0.8 / i, i, H / 2);
        stroke(rrr, ggg, bbb);

        line(i, H / 2, W - mouseX, H - (0.8 / i));
        stroke(rrr, ggg, bbb);

        line(W - mouseX, 0.8 / i, i, H / 2);
        stroke(rrr, ggg, bbb);

It was pretty confusing at first when figuring out how the variables were controlled and changed, but after playing around with different options, I finally got the hang of the basic inputs.

Charmaine Qiu – Project 04 – String Art


It was challenging to figure out how to efficiently create the lines on canvas. I tried to incorporate an interactive aspect towards my project, and it was fun to explore with. I now have a better understanding of how digital line art is created and the thought process behind it.

/* Charmaine Qiu
   Section E
   Project 04 String Art*/
var spacing = 10;
var gcolor = 34;
var bcolor  = 140;
function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
  //set background color and initial stroke color of center piece
    background(0, 13, 255);
    stroke(255, gcolor, bcolor);
  //the center piece that follows the mouse
    for(var i = 0; i < 30; i++){
  //changes color when moving between left and right side of canvas
      if(mouseX > width / 3){
        stroke(150, gcolor, bcolor);
      if(mouseX > 2*width / 3){
        stroke(50, gcolor, bcolor);
  //the center piece drawn with a spacing variable that sets distance between two lines
      line(mouseX, i * spacing, width, height / 2);
      line(0, height / 2, mouseX, i * spacing);
  //line art that surrounds the opposite corners of canvas
    for(var i = 0; i < width; i += 10){
  //yellow lines
      stroke(218, 245, 66);
      line(i, 0, width, i / 2);
      line(0, i, i /2, width);
  //orange lines
      stroke(255, 162, 0);
      line(width, height - i, width - i, 0);
      line(0, i / 2, i, height);




/*Youie Cho
  Section E
  Project-04-String Art*/

  var a = 7
  var b = 1

  function setup() {
      createCanvas(400, 300);

  function draw() {
      background(255, 179, 0);
      //pink sequence
      for (var i = 1; i < 1000; i++) {
          stroke(255, 69, 128);
          line(mouseX, i * a* mouseY / 100, i * a, height / 4);
      //black sequence and rotation
      for (var i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
          line(mouseX, i * mouseY / 50, i * b, height / 2);
      //yellow sequence and rotation
      for (var i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
          stroke(255, 215, 69);
          line(mouseX, i * mouseY / 25, i * a, height / 1.333333);
      //purple sequence and rotation
      for (var i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
          stroke(174, 82, 255);
          line(mouseX, i * mouseY / 10, i * b, height);

I tried to play around with changing ratios to generate different sequences on different parts of the canvas, and rotated them to create complexity. I tried complex lines because interesting shapes and patterns can be generated through the movement of the mouse. It was challenging to understand the mechanism of loop, but I enjoyed how dynamic it could be.



//Crystal Xue
//15104-section B

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {

    //set constrain to the mouse location
    var x = constrain(mouseX, 0, width);
    var y = constrain(mouseY, 0, height);

    //set up color gradient palette
    let from = color(102, 153, 161);
    let to = color(180, 129, 187);
    let interA = lerpColor(from, to, 0.15);
    let interB = lerpColor(from, to, 0.3);
    let interC = lerpColor(from, to, 0.45);
    let interD = lerpColor(from, to, 0.6);
    let interE = lerpColor(from, to, 0.75);

    //draw string geometries
    for (var i = 0; i <= width; i = i + 5 ) {

        //background dynamic grid change along mouse indicator
        line(i, 3 / 4 * i, i, y);
        line(i, 3 / 4 * i, x, 3 / 4 * i);

        //first pair of curves controlled by mouse location
        line(i, 3 / 4 * i, width - i, y);
        line(i, 3 / 4 * i, x, height - 3 / 4 * i);

        //second pair of curves opposite of the first pair
        line(i, height - 3 / 4 * i, width - i, y);
        line(i, height - 3 / 4 * i, x, 3 / 4 * i);

        //drawing the mouse indicator
        line(x, y, width - i, y);
        line(x, y, x, height - 3 / 4 * i);


For this project, I was trying to mimic the abstract motion of the weaving process. The mouse indicator is the shuttle of a loom which shows the x and y coordinate positions. The background grid is the unwoven warp yarn showing the parallel lines. And the curves are the woven pieces. I also experimented with the gradient colors in p5js.

Jasmine Lee – Project 04 – String Art


//Jasmine Lee
//Section C
//Project-04 (String Art)

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 400);

function draw() {
    //black background
    //left(white) half of the vertical lines
    for (var a = 0; a < 151; a += 2) {
        line(a, mouseY, a, mouseX);

    //right(black) half of the vertical lines
    for (var b = 150; b < 301; b += 2) {
        line(b, mouseY, b, mouseX);

    //top(white) half of the horizontal lines
    for (var c = 0; c < 201; c += 2){
        line(mouseX, c, mouseY, c);

    //bottom(black) half of the horizontal lines)
    for (var d = 200; d < 401; d += 2){
        line(mouseX, d, mouseY, d);

    //creates white "plus" sign 
    rect(150, 200, 20, 200);
    rect(150, 200, 200, 20);

    //creates the curves in all four corners
    for (var e = 0; e < 300; e += 2) {
        //top left corner
        line(0, height - e * 1.5, e, 0);
        //bottom right corner
        line(e, height, width, height - e * 1.5);
        //top right corner
        line(width, height - e * 1.5, width - e, 0);
        //bottom left corner
        line(width - e, height, 0, height - e * 1.5);


For my string art, I wanted to create a piece with a dystopian feeling to it. I decided to use a strong composition, with a symbol right in the middle of the canvas, and animated strings that give a disoriented effect to the viewer.

CJ Walsh – Project 04 – String Art


// CJ Walsh
// Section D
// cjwalsh
// Project-04

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
	var xstep = 10;
	var ystep = 10;
	var xpos = 0;
	var ypos = 0; 
	var x1, y1;

	for (i=1; i < 40; i++) {
		x1 = xpos + xstep;
		y1 = ypos + ystep;

		// center red 
		line(200, y1, x1 + 140, height);
		line(width-200, y1, width - x1 - 140, height);

		// center pink 
		line(200, y1, x1 + 70, height);
		line(width-200, y1, width - x1 - 70, height);

		// lower large curves
		line(0, y1, x1, height);
		line(width, y1, width - x1, height);

		// center black 
		line(width-200, y1, width - x1, height);
		line(200, y1, x1, height);

		// top large curves 		
		line(0, y1, width-x1, 0);
		line(x1, 0, width, y1);

		// lines controlled by mouse movement 
		line(x1, 0, mouseX, mouseY);
		line(x1, height, mouseX, mouseY);

		xpos = x1;
		ypos = y1;

For creating my string art I just wanted to experiment with different ways of making and placing my curves. After playing around with the placement and giving a lot of attention to symmetry, I wanted to create a fun color palette. I think it makes it a lot more fun to interact with. At the end of my project, I wanted to include an interactive movement element, so I added some lines that follow the position of the mouse and create fun patterns when overlapping with the curves.

Margot Gersing – Project 04 – String Art


// Margot Gersing - Project 04 String Art - Section E - mgersing@andrew.cmu.edu

function setup() {

function draw(){

	// tight lines less wide
	for (i = 0; i < 200; i += 5) {	
		stroke(i, 208, 247); //blue and purple
		line(100, 450 + i, i, 10 - i); //'curve 1'
		line(100, 450 + i, mouseX * 10, 10 - i); //'curve 1' with interaction
	// tight lines
	for (i = 0; i < 600; i += 5) {	
		stroke(i, 235, 225, i); //green to peach
		line(0, i - 100, i, 400); //'curve 2'
		line(0, i - 100, mouseX, mouseY); //'curve 2' with interaction

	// wider lines
	for (i = 0; i < 600; i += 15) {
		stroke(230, 202, i); //purple to ochre
		line(0, 100 - i, 400, 200 + i); //'curve 3'
		line(0, mouseY / 5, 400, 200 + i); //'curve 3' with interaction

		// curve 4
		stroke(252, 186, i, i); //yellow to magenta
		line(400, 200 - i, i - 400, i); //'curve 4'
		line(400, mouseY - i, i - 400, i); //'curve 4' with interaction	

I enjoyed making this project. I decided that I wanted to incorporate my ‘i’ variable into more than just the creation of the lines. I experimented with replacing rgb values with ‘i’ and it created really interesting color shifts. I also decided to make a copy of each of the curves I made and make one of them interactive with mouseX and mouseY.