Ankitha Vasudev – Project 01 – Self Portrait

(Press on portrait to change background)


// Ankitha Vasudev
// Section B 
// Project-01-Face
function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {

    //background squares 
	background(255, 218, 255);
    fill(255, 180, 255);
    rect(10, 10, 580, 580);
    fill(213, 231, 255);
    rect(20, 20, 560, 560);
    rect(30, 30, 500, 500);

    //background color change 
  if (mouseIsPressed) {
    if (mouseButton === LEFT) {
      fill(172, 220, 255);
      rect(0, 0, 600, 600);
      fill(255, 220, 255);
      rect(10, 10, 580, 580);
      fill(182, 234, 255);
      rect(20, 20, 560, 560);

    rect(210, 180, 212, 240, 200, 200, 15, 20);
    fill(60, 0, 0);
    rect(220, 190, 190, 215, 150, 150, 15, 20);

    fill(255, 180, 255);
    rect(180, 428, 260, 185, 20);
    triangle(160, 600, 180, 450, 180, 600);
    triangle(440, 600, 440, 450, 460, 600);
    fill(189, 190, 255);
    arc(310, 428, 60, 60, 0, PI, OPEN);
    stroke(189, 190, 255);
    line(220, 470, 200, 600);
    line(400, 470, 415, 600);

    fill(123, 77, 0);
    rect(290, 370, 40, 75, 100);

    ellipse(231, 305, 18, 30);
    fill(96, 68, 0);
    ellipse(232, 305, 14, 18);
    fill(237, 239, 122);
    ellipse(231, 320, 7, 7);

    fill(123, 77, 0);
    rect(233, 205, 150, 200, 100);

    arc(270, 290, 30, 30, PI, 0, OPEN);
    arc(343, 290, 30, 30, PI, 0, OPEN);
    ellipse(270, 284, 15, 15);
    ellipse(343, 284, 15, 15);

    //left eyebrow 
    vertex(252, 268);
    vertex(264, 265);
    vertex(290, 267);
    vertex(292, 263);
    vertex(262, 262);

    //right eyebrow 
    vertex(323, 263);
    vertex(351, 262);
    vertex(363, 268);
    vertex(352, 265);
    vertex(325, 267);

    stroke(115, 0, 113);
    rect(250, 270, 40, 30, 5, 5, 90, 90);
    rect(323, 270, 40, 30, 5, 5, 90, 90);
    line(290, 280, 323, 280);
    line(234, 272, 251, 272);
    line(361, 272, 382, 272);

    line(310, 310, 300, 335);
    line(300, 339, 310, 338);

    fill(60, 0, 0);
    quad(290, 365, 325, 365, 315, 372, 292, 374);

I tried to experiment with multiple shapes and commands using a very animated style of drawing. I wanted to include features that were specific to me; these include my purple-frame glasses and my brown and black hair. Lastly, I used a palette comprising of my favorite colors (pastel shades of blue and pink) for the background and used the mouseIsPressed command to alter the background color. 

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