Monica Chang – Looking Outwards – 02

Maxim Zhestov is a media artist who concentrates on film, installation and computational design to stretch the boundaries of visual language. He is famous for his digitally-rendered gallery designs which produce choreographed and calculated movements of elements and shapes using physics and computers.

Computations is an experimental art film which explores our computers from the ‘black boxes’ of our laptops and the devices created in our world. This piece of artwork concentrates on line, form, color and motion. Zhestov envisions a movement of small, computed organisms encompassing the environment while shapeshifting in perfect synchronization causing a beautiful dance across the digital gallery.

What really captured me was how realistic it looked at first; it was unbelievable. My knowledge of how this type of work is created is very limited as I am just introducing myself to the process of how art films like this could possibly come into creation. There is so much research and study that goes into projects like this which is very admirable.


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