Alice Cai LookingOutwards 02

Holger Lippman is a generative artist with a traditional visual art background. He was inspired by the motive to make art the same way that music was made. However, he wanted to stick with his painting roots but compares his creations to compositions and harmonies. ow, he paints with generative code.

Corrosive Landscape II is a project by Holger Lippmann. It is a continuation of his project Corrosive Landscape. The generative work is based on landscape photography in Berlin. He used code to read color maps and image structures and the algorithm generated endless ellipses that overlap with each other to create horizontal patterns. The ellipses vary in opacity, thus creating a fading gradient around every central ellipse. The gradient also allows for color blending even though each shape is essentially its own color (no mixing gradients). I really like this work because from afar it doesn’t look like coded art and takes on an impressionist or abstract style. but up close you can see the ellipses and the more digital aspect of it. The colors in each piece are gorgeous and create a beautiful color palette. Although pieces are all very abstract, the ellipses and horizontal lines create the essence of a landscape. 

Published on July 11, 2012 10:22 am.

Corrosive Landscape II is a project by Holger Lippmann. It is a continuation of his project Corrosive Landscape. The generative work is based on landscape photography in Berlin. He used code to read color maps and image structures and the algorithm generated endless ellipses that overlap with each other to create horizontal patterns. The ellipses vary in opacity, thus creating a fading gradient around every central ellipse. The gradient also allows for color blending even though each shape is essentially its own color (no mixing gradients). I really like this work because from afar it doesn’t look like coded art and takes on an impressionist or abstract style. but up close you can see the ellipses and the more digital aspect of it. The colors in each piece are gorgeous and create a beautiful color palette. Although pieces are all very abstract, the ellipses and horizontal lines create the essence of a landscape. 

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