Joanne Chui – Looking Outwards 02

Crows are Chased and the Chasing Crows are Destined to be Chased as well, Transcending Space – By teamLab

This digital piece is generated through interaction with visitors in the space. The visuals are played along with music, and are rendered in real time, not pre-recorded or set on a loop. Visitors are able to walk around in the space and are completely surrounded by the projections. The projection consists of crows flying around the space and chasing each other, and if they crash either into each other or into a visitor, they explode into a floral pattern. Because of its generative nature, the digital installation is always changing and never producing the same results.
I was really interested in this because usually we view digital art as flat, but this installation really immerses and surrounds users into the art piece. It became a digital architecture in which users interacted with the generative artwork through movement in a space.
A suggestion I have would be to possibly experiment more with the surfaces of the rooms/the architecture of the space. It would have been interesting to see a curved wall for example.

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