Taisei Manheim – Looking Outward – 02

The generative project that I chose was Taxi, Taxi which is a project created in 2016 by Robert Hodgin, in collaboration with Jonathan Kim and with the help of Ryan Bartley.  Taxi, Taxi is a digital installation in the Samsung 837, the Samsung Experience Center in New York City. The project uses NYC Open Data taxi data in order to create a real time simulation of the different routes that taxi cab drivers take.  It was created with the Cinder C++ coding framework, a framework that Robert Hodgin was the co-creator for. They also used Open Street Map to create the 3D model of New York City.  Robert Hodgin and the other people that worked with him had to have some design sensibilities because even though they got all the taxi data from a New York City database, it was up to them to display the information in a clear and aesthetic manner.

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