
Manfred Mohr’s Algorithmic Modulations, 2019

I looked at the work “Algorithmic Modulations,” 2019, by Manfred Mohr. He is a first generation artist of generative art, and his earliest works date back to the 1960s. For me, this work is inspiring primarily because it involves skills that I personally cannot work with well, but would like to explore. Using computer to generate art that is constantly responding to changing variables inspires me.The algorithm includes diagonal paths that go through a 12-D hypercube and are placed in different angular positions, which are rotated in 12-D and projected into 2-D. Transparent color bands and black lines are created according to the paths, and the algorithm randomly changes colors and overlays as well. There are also music-related horizontal lines. I think it was very sensible of the artist to create a very complex algorithm in which many variables affect each other, as opposed to having simpler relationships. This makes the work very unique and dynamic.

A moment from Manfred Mohr’s Algorithmic Modulations , 2019

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