Angela Lee – Project – 02


 * Angela Lee
 * Section E
 * Assignment-02

// variables for eye size, face width, and face height
var eye_size = 40;
var face_width = 200;
var face_height = 300;
var mouth_width = 30;
var mouth_height = 30;
var color_change = 0;
var mouth_change = 0;

function setup(){
	createCanvas (480, 640);

function draw(){
	background (230, 255, 255);

    // body
    fill (253, 255, 158);
    ellipse (width / 2, height / 2 + face_height * 0.75, face_width, face_width);
    rect (width / 2 - face_width / 2, height / 2 + face_height * 0.75, face_width, 400)

    // face
    noStroke ()
    fill (255 - color_change, 217 - color_change, 177 - color_change);
    ellipse (width / 2, height / 2, face_width, face_height);

    // variables for eye position
    var left_eye = width / 2 - face_width * 0.25;
    var right_eye = width / 2 + face_width * 0.25;

    // eyes
    noStroke ()
    fill ("black")
    ellipse (left_eye, height / 2, eye_size, eye_size);
    ellipse (right_eye, height / 2, eye_size, eye_size);
    // highlights of the eyes
    fill ("white")
    ellipse (left_eye + eye_size / 5, height / 2 - eye_size / 5, 10, 10)
    ellipse (right_eye + eye_size / 5, height / 2 - eye_size / 5, 10, 10)
    // creating mouth
    noStroke ()
    fill (222 - mouth_change, 81 - mouth_change, 73 - mouth_change)
    ellipse (width / 2, height / 2 + 0.25 * face_height, mouth_width, mouth_height);


function mousePressed() {
    face_width = random (175, 300);
    face_height = random (175, 300);
    eye_size = random (30, 50);
    mouth_width = random (40, 80);
    mouth_height = random (30, 50);
    color_change = random (0,150);
    mouth_change = random (0, 50);

I started this project feeling slightly intimidated since I had no idea how you could create faces that changed. I went through a couple of iterations to get to this final product; being able to visually see mistakes really helped me adjust my shapes. This project helped me experience how powerful variables and built-in functions such as random can be. One thing I had fun playing with was randomizing color but also adhering to a skin tone palette—I hope to experiment more with randomization of color in the future.

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