Sarah Choi – Looking Outwards – 04

In July 2018, Funkhaus Berlin featured sound art called, “Meandering River”, a vibrant landscape showing the gradual flows of nature by onformative. The audiovisual installation portrays a small snapshot in our fast-paced and changing world. The artist believed in the importance of featuring real nature through art. The movement of the rivers shows the constant in past and present life. Onformative wanted to show the unchanging nature although with all the transformations going around in life. 

The “Meandering River” is a multi-channel video with a set generative soundscape. The algorithm calls attention to the abstract imagery showing movements of the fluctuations in a river. The music accompanied and adding to the piece was composed by Berliners Kling Klang Klong, interpreting river patterns and shifts in the surface. The artist wanted the audience to be more aware of time in order to reel out an emotional journey.

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