Mihika Bansal – Project 04 – String Art


//Mihika Bansal 
//Section E 
//Project 4

var x1Step = 5; 
var y1Step = 5; 

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {

    background (255); 
    rect(50, 0, 300, 300); 

    stroke(255, 251, 217); 
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(50, 0 + y1Step * j, width / 2 - x1Step * j, 0); 
    } // curve with flats on left and top in the top left curving downwards 
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(50, height - y1Step * j, width / 2 - x1Step * j, height); 
    } // curve with flat on left and bottom, bottom left, curving upwards 
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(width - 50, height / 2 - y1Step * j, width - 50 - x1Step * j, 0); 
    } // curve with flat on top and right, top right, curving downwards 
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(width - 50, height / 2 + y1Step * j, width - 50 - x1Step * j, height); 
    } // curve with flat on right and bottom, bottom right, curving upwards

    for(var i = 1; i <= 30; i++){
        line(width / 2, 0 + y1Step * i, width / 2 + x1Step * i, height / 2); 
    } //curve starting in middle on top right, curving upwards, flat side is in middle of canvas
    for(var x = 1; x <= 30; x++){
        line(width / 2, height - y1Step * x, width / 2 + x1Step * x, height / 2); 
    } // curve starting in the middle on bottom right, curving downwards, flat sides are on the middle of canvas 
    for(var x = 1; x <= 30; x++){
        line(50 + x1Step * x, 0, width / 2, 0 + y1Step * x); 
    } //curve on top left , with flat part on top and middle, curving downwards
    for(var x = 1; x <= 30; x++){
        line(50 + x1Step * x, height, width / 2, height - y1Step * x); 
    } // curve on bottom left, with flat on bottom and middle, curving downwards

    stroke (194, 237, 231)
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(width / 2, 0 + y1Step * j, width / 2 - x1Step * j, height / 2); 
    } // curve in top left, with flat part in middle on both sides, curving upwards
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(width / 2, height / 2 + y1Step * j, width / 2 + x1Step * j, height); 
    } // curve  in bottom left, with flat in middle, curving downwards 
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(50 + x1Step * j, height / 2, width / 2, height / 2 + y1Step * j); 
    } // curve with flat in the middle and bottom, in the bottom right, curve upwards
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(width / 2 + x1Step * j, 0, width / 2, height / 2 - y1Step * j); 
    } // curve with flats on the top and the middle, in the top right, curve downwards 

    stroke(252, 204, 212); 
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(50, height / 2 - y1Step * j, width / 2 - x1Step * j, height / 2); 
    } // flat on the left side and the middle, curve upwards, in the top left 
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(50, height - y1Step * j, 50 + x1Step * j, height / 2); 
    } // flat on the left and the middle, in the bottom left, curve downwards
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(width - 50, height / 2 - y1Step * j, width / 2 + x1Step * j, height / 2); 
    } // flat on the middle and middle, in the top right, curving upwards
    for(var j = 1; j <= 30; j++){
        line(width - 50, height - y1Step * j, width - 50 - x1Step * j, height / 2); 
    } // flat on the right and the middle, in the bottom right, curbing downwards 

I really enjoyed this project. I have made string art before by hand using the actual string and nails and wood, so it was interesting making it through the computer this time.

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