Taisei Manheim – Looking Outward – 05

The project I chose was the Nike Strike Series FA16 by onformative, a studio for digital art and design.  Growing up, I was a huge soccer fan and I have always loved the Nike soccer advertisements so I was curious about how they were made.  For this project, onformative created still images and films for the fall 2016 launch of the Strike Series apparel collection. In order to do this, they took full body scans of several famous soccer players which were made into specialized 3D models that served as the base for the visuals.  Motion capture data from training drills were used to create the dynamic imagery that fit the campaign’s slogan, “Play fast. Train faster.” The data of each player like speed and power helped to define and stylize the figures. In order to create dramatic effect, rim and back lighting highlights the players on darkened backgrounds. The collection is very prominent on each athlete, which results in captivating images and films.

Promotional video made as part of the series using 3D body scanning  technology.

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