Ammar Hassonjee – Looking Outwards – 05

“Dear Fabricio” Computer Art

Image of the 3D generated graphic image “Dear Fabricio”

The graphic image above is a rendered image of a toddler and toy in an artificial landscape developed by CG and 3D artist Pedro Conti. The artist was inspired to make this image for his wife after she announced that she was pregnant, and its inspired by forms of the ultrasound of their child as well as a toy that they bought for their newborn child. The artist used software such as 3D Max, ZBrush, Maya, and Cinema3D in order to physically sculpt the figures from existing images.

I admire this works intricate level of detail and rendering that make it look both realistic and yet cartoon-like at the same time. I also love the sentimental intent behind this image. I think that the artist’s original artistic intent was manifested in this piece as he produced a realistic image that worked well with the message he wanted to convey to his audience.

Author: Ammar Hassonjee

I am a third year architecture student.

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