Alice Cai Project 5

original sketch
This is my original sketch. I wanted to make a bubbly wallpaper with baby light tones like blue and poink ( didn’t have copics that color). To do this I first created a draw bubbles function that made layers of circles, and then in the draw function I called for loops to make a grid. I decided to add pink lines across the circles to make it more visually interesting and also it now looks like tiles.


//Alice Cai
//week5 Project
//Section E

//pink background
function setup() {

function draw () {
//vertical forloop for y
    for (var y = 25; y <= height; y += 50) {

//horizantal forloop for x
        for (var x = 25; x <= width; x += 50) {

//call drawbubble shape
           drawBubble (x,y);
//pink lines over blue bubbles to create tile effect
           line(x, y, x, y + x);
           line(x, y, x, y - x);
           line(x, y, x + 30, y);
           line(x - 30, y, x, y);
//so that draw is only called once

//bubble shape, x y variable coordinates to be called in for loop
function drawBubble ( x, y) {
            ellipse(x, y, 50, 50);
            ellipse(x, y, 35, 35);
            ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);

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