Sarah Choi – Looking Outwards – 05

Chaotic Atmospheres, also known as Istvan, is a freelance digital artist based in Switzerland. He created a series of pictures called “Math:Rules – Strange Attractors” showcasing his interpretation of math with different shapes on a white background, showing various equations, definitions, and parameters for each shape. I admired the time and effort he wanted to show a field that was so computational with art. A background as a graphic designer in Paris for fashion, his passion is to tell stories with different forms of art, especially photography. Although admitting he wasn’t a mathematician, he studied “strange attractors” for their dynamic forms and feel of chaos, which is what he wanted to portray in this project. The algorithms he used was with Cinema 4D plugins that helped him configure the shapes.

His final product was able to portray the beauty of mathematics with beautiful and crazy art forms.

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