Xu Xu – Looking Outwards – 06

The stigmergic system is an agent-based growing tower created by Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia. Through the use of this multi-agent-based system in a stigmergic environment, a column is created. The column starts at designated coordination points and moves to certain endpoints (or targets) following specific paths (or desired velocity). With the use of grasshopper code, the agents are guided through ‘steering’ so they move within the cylindrical shape. The Data Dam collects the agents with the network between adjacent points.

Afterwards, the velocity lines and network lines become visible, and the ‘variable-sweep’ makes the tower apparent. The combination of those towers creates the column, which happens in a bottom-up growing manner. The data inputs simply guide the agents, but the output is the randomness combined with steering and velocity. I admire the use of randomness in creating structures, which I can envision being applied to future architectural designs. Using randomness as part of our architectural creation is beginning to be introduced to the world.

A03 GVanlimburgstirum

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