Ian Kaneko Project-06-Abstract-Clock

ikaneko abstract clock

// Ian Kaneko
// Project-06

var h = 180; // candle height
var w = 40; // candle width
var b = 340; //y position of the bottom of the candle
var ww = 5; // wick width
var wh = 20; // wick height
var w2 = 150; // outer glow width
var h2 = 190; // outer glow height
var glow1 = 0; // outer glow color
var w3 = 80; // inner glow width
var h3 = 120; // inner glow height
var glow2 = 0; // inner glow color
var fw = 20; // flame width
var fh = 30; // flame height
var w4 = 450; // outer bottom glow width
var h4 = 80; // outer bottom glow height

function setup(){
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    glow1 = color(250, 240, 150);
    glow2 = color(250, 170, 50);

function draw() {

    h = 180 - (minute() * (160 / 60)); // Height decreases each minute

    for(i = 0; i < hour(); i ++) { // The number of background candles represents hours
        ellipse(15 + (470 / 24) * i, 100, 20, 40);
        ellipse(15 + (470 / 24) * i, 100, 12, 20);
        fill(250, 240, 240);
        ellipse(15 + (470 / 24) * i, 100, 5, 7); 



    //The candle will decrease in height every minute and reset on the hour
    glow1.setAlpha(100); // Bottom glow of the candle
    ellipse(width / 2, b, w4, h4);

    fill(220, 210, 210); //The candle itself
    rect(width / 2 - w / 2, b - h, w, h);
    ellipse(width / 2, b, w, 15);
    fill(250, 240, 240);
    ellipse(width / 2, b - h, w, 15);
    rect(width / 2 - ww / 2, b - h - wh, 5, wh)

    fill(glow1); // Outer glow of flame
    ellipse(width / 2, b - h - wh, w2, h2);

    glow2.setAlpha(130); // Inner glow of flame
    ellipse(width / 2, b - h - wh, w3, h3);

    fill(250, 240, 240); // Flame on the candle
    ellipse(width / 2, b - h - wh, fw, fh);

    //The candle flickers every second
    w2 = random(130, 170);
    h2 = random(180, 210);
    w3 = random(70, 90);
    h3 = random(110, 130);
    fw = random(18, 22);
    fh = random(30, 35);
    w4 = random(430, 480);
    h4 = random(75, 85);




For this project the hardest part was trying to conceptualize a way of telling time that would not just look like a clock. I started to think about what kinds of things naturally change shape overtime. My original idea was an iceberg melting, then I thought of a moon waxing and waning. I ended up choosing a candle melting though because I liked the idea of playing with opacity to show it emitting light. While my clock doesn’t exactly document how many seconds have passed, it does react by randomizing the candle glow every second. The candle gets shorter every minute, and a candle in the distance is lit every hour.

My quick candle sketch done on staff paper because I don’t have normal paper

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