Sarah Kang- Looking Outwards – 06

“Medusa”, by Fabio Morreale, PHD

Fabio Morreale’s research focuses on how understanding the influence of computer technologies in shaping the way people compose, learn, listen to, and perform music. “Medusa” is one of his few visual works that “explore the redistribution of control between human and computer agents in the creation of visual artworks” (Morreale). What first drew me to this artwork was the fluidity and organic nature of the composition. This project was coded on Processing. Morreale uses the initial position of a virtual pen on his virtual canvas as his driver, and traces lines that produce numbers of autonomous agents that independently begin to roam the canvas, while leaving a trail. The only human control in this artwork is the original location of the agents, not the control over their evolution. Through this artwork, Morreale explores the cause and effect evolution paths between the relationship of humans with computer technologies, and the ratio of control between the two spectrums.

Another piece from “Medusa”, by Fabio Morreale, PHD

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