Sydney Salamy: Project-06-Abstract-Clock

Because of the time of year, I decided to make mine about Halloween. I based my design on the Charlie Brown Halloween special “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”. I looked up a bunch of photos from this special and started taking what I liked from them and mixing them into my sketch. I had my sketch be of the pumpkin patch where the kids would wait for the Great Pumpkin, and would have the sun and moon tell what time of day it was. I also decided to have the sky change color in response to these. I used if statements and the hour() variable in order to accomplish this. I then went about creating the patch, using for loops to create lots of leaves and also the lines dividing a fence. I individually created each pumpkin in the patch, making the main one the kids are behind the largest and bumpiest.

My Rough Draft


function setup(){

var backColorR = 168;//red value
var backColorG = 215;//green value
var backColorB = 255;//blue value
var lSW = 10;//leaf width
var lSH = 10;//leaf height
var gSP = 20;//space between columns
var vSP = 20;//space between rows
var gA = 20;//# added to g
var vA = 350;//# added to v
var dotX = 213;//x value of girl's dot
var dotY = 352;//y valye of girl's dot
var lineX = 244;//x value of first stripe point
var lineY = 345;//y value of first stripe point
var bFaceX = 258;//x value of center of boy's head
var bFaceY = 316;//y value of center of boy's head
var gFaceX = 211;//x value of center of girl's head
var gFaceY = 316;//y value of center of girl's head

function draw() {
    var H = hour();
    //"clock" part
    //sky colors
    //changes sky color according to real hours
    if(H > 20){//black
        backColorR = 0;
        backColorG = 0;
        backColorB = 0;
    else if(H > 16){//dark blue
        backColorR = 1;
        backColorG = 25; 
        backColorB = 145;
    else if(H > 12){//blue
        backColorR = 143; 
        backColorG = 182;
        backColorB = 255;
    else if(H > 8){//light blue
        backColorR = 168;
        backColorG = 215;
        backColorB = 255;
    else if(H > 4){//yellow
        backColorR = 255; 
        backColorG = 227;
        backColorB = 143;
        backColorR = 255;
        backColorG = 94;
        backColorB = 129;
    rect(367,300, 112,70);//fence
    for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++){//fence dividers
        line((i * 16) + 367,300, (i * 16) + 368, 370);//draws dividers
    //changes sun position and color according to real hours
    if(H > 12 & H < 19){//13 and above
        fill(255, 219, 56);
        ellipse(width / 2, (H * 23), (width / 2) - 10,(height / 2) - 10);         
    else if(H > 18){//19 to 0/24
        fill(255, 217, 79); 
        ellipse(width / 2, height - (H * 15), (width / 2) - 10,
            (height / 2) - 10);
    else{//0 to 12
        fill(255, 219, 56);
        ellipse(width / 2, height - (H * 30), (width / 2) - 10,
            (height / 2) - 10);
    line(374,308, 374,318);//fence line (FL) 1
    line(378,310, 378,330);//FL2
    line(390,334, 390,346);//FL3
    line(405,305, 405,315);//FL4
    line(410,311, 410,330);//FL5
    rect(0,360, 480,120);//grass background
    ellipse(width / 2,393, 640,100);//grass hill
    //leaves on the ground
    for(var g = 0; g < 20; g++){//increments elements
        for(var v = 0; v < 10; v++){//draws ellipses
            fill(2, 84, 24);//darkest green
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 7)) + (gA - 10),(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 7), 
                lSW,lSH + 2);
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 7)),(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 20), lSW,lSH - 4);
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 7)) + gA,(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 15), 
                lSW,lSH + 1);
            ellipse(((g + (gA - 1)) * (gSP - 3)) - (gA * 12.5),(v * (vSP - 5))
             + vA, lSW,lSH + 1);
            fill(15, 99, 56);//dark green
            ellipse((g * (gSP + 9)) + gA,(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 7), 
                lSW,lSH + 2);
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2.25)),(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 20), lSW,
                lSH + 3);
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.75)) + gA,(v * (vSP - 5)) + (vA + 15), 
            fill(158, 83, 2);//dark orange
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2.5)) + (gA + 7),(v * (vSP * 2)) + (vA + 7), 
                lSW + 3,lSH);
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.5)) - (gA - 5),(v * (vSP * 2.25)) + 
                (vA + 25), lSW,lSH - 3);
            fill(2, 158, 43);//green
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.75)) + (gA + 7),(v * vSP) + (vA + 7), 
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2)) - (gA / 4),(v * (vSP * 2.5)) + (vA + 20), 
            fill(158, 18, 2);//red
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 3.4)) + (gA - 10),(v * (vSP + 5)) + (vA + 4), 
                lSW,lSH - 1);
            fill(122, 108, 26);//olive green
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 2.25)) + (gA + 7),(v * vSP) + (vA + 7), 
            ellipse((g * (gSP * 1.5)) - (gA / 4),(v * (vSP + 15)) + (vA + 3), 
                lSW,lSH - 2);
    //_girl's hair
    ellipse(gFaceX,gFaceY - 1, 26,26);//main hair
    ellipse(gFaceX + 5,gFaceY, 28,20);////right hair
    ellipse(gFaceX - 5,gFaceY + 2, 28,20);//left hair
    ellipse(gFaceX - 2,gFaceY - 17, 10,10);//main bun
    ellipse(gFaceX - 2,gFaceY - 16, 15,7);//left and right buns
    fill(250, 217, 162);//skin color
    //boy skin 
    quad(bFaceX - 5,330,bFaceX - 3.5,328, bFaceX + .5,328,
        bFaceX + 1,331);//boy's neck
    ellipse(bFaceX,bFaceY, 22,25);//boy's head 
    ellipse(bFaceX - 3,bFaceY + 2, 24,20);//boy's cheek
    quad(268,332,275,331, 276,335,269,338);//boy's right arm
    quad(244,330,236,328, 235,332,241,336);//boy's left arm
    ellipse(278,332, 7,7);//boy's right hand
    ellipse(233,329, 7,7);//boy's left hand
    ellipse(bFaceX + 11,bFaceY + 4, 5,5);//right ear
    ellipse(bFaceX - 13,bFaceY - 1, 5,5);//left ear
    //girl skin
    quad(gFaceX + 1.5,332,gFaceX + 2,327, gFaceX + 4,327,
        gFaceX + 6.5,331);//girl's neck
    ellipse(gFaceX,gFaceY, 24,24);//girl's head 
    triangle(206,338, 222,370, 226,336);//right and left arm
    ellipse(gFaceX + 12,gFaceY - 1, 5,5);//right ear
    ellipse(gFaceX - 12,gFaceY + 2, 5,5);//left ear
    //boy clothes
    quad(238,355,252,331, 260,332,266,355);//boy's shirt
    quad(260,332,267,332, 268,338,263,342);//right shirt sleeve
    quad(252,331,245,330, 242,336,246.5,340);//left shirt sleeve
    //girl clothes
    ellipse(222,336, 7,7);//right shirt sleeve
    ellipse(210,338, 7,7);//left shirt sleeve
    quad(209,360,212,333, 218,332,232,354);//girl's shirt
    ellipse(212,302.5, 5,8);//right side of bow
    ellipse(206,303, 5,8);//left side of bow    
    //_boy's hair
    line(bFaceX - 3,bFaceY - 13, bFaceX - 6,bFaceY - 10);
    line(bFaceX,bFaceY - 13, bFaceX - 3,bFaceY - 10);
    line(bFaceX + 3,bFaceY - 12, bFaceX,bFaceY - 9);
    line(bFaceX + 6,bFaceY - 10, bFaceX + 3,bFaceY - 7);
    line(bFaceX + 9,bFaceY - 7, bFaceX + 6,bFaceY - 5);
    line(bFaceX + 10,bFaceY - 4, bFaceX + 7,bFaceY - 2);
    line(bFaceX + 10,bFaceY - 1, bFaceX + 8,bFaceY);
    //-small details-
    point(bFaceX + 2,bFaceY - 2);//boy left eye
    point(bFaceX - 6,bFaceY - 4);//boy right eye
    point(gFaceX - 5,gFaceY - 4);//girl left eye
    point(gFaceX + 3,gFaceY - 5);//girl right eye
    //_on clothes
    //boy's stripes
    line(244,345, 264,350);//bottom
    line(lineX + 2,lineY - 4, lineX + 19,lineY + 1);//2
    line(lineX + 5,lineY - 7, lineX + 18,lineY - 3);//3
    line(lineX + 7,lineY - 11, lineX + 17,lineY - 8);//top
    line(lineX + 20,lineY - 12, lineX + 21,lineY - 5);//right sleeve
    line(lineX + 5,lineY - 14, lineX + .5,lineY - 7);//left sleeve
    //girl's dots
    point(dotX + 6, dotY - 6);//middle
    point(dotX + 7, dotY - 12);//right
    point(dotX + 2, dotY - 17);//right
    point(dotX + 10, dotY - 18);//right sleeve
    point(dotX - 3, dotY - 14);//left sleeve
    point(dotX - 8, dotY - 50);//bow left
    point(dotX, dotY - 48);//bow right
    point(dotX - 2, dotY - 52);//bow right top
    arc(255,320, 7, 6, 0, PI, CHORD);
    arc(211,319, 8, 6, 0, PI, OPEN);
    //main pumpkin
    ellipse(width / 2, (height / 2) + 132, 40,47);//middle bump
    ellipse((width / 2) - 11, (height / 2) + 133, 47,46);//left bump
    ellipse((width / 2) + 11, (height / 2) + 133, 47,46);//right bump
    ellipse(width / 2, (height / 2) + 135, 55,45);//big pumpkin base
    ellipse((width / 2) - 10, (height / 2) + 135, 35,45);//left inner gump
    ellipse((width / 2) + 10, (height / 2) + 135, 35,45);//right inner gump
    ellipse((width / 2), (height / 2) + 137, 20,45);//most inner bump lines
    //other pumpkins
    fill(224, 132, 4);
    ellipse(width - 140,height - 30, 20,18);//1 (medium)
    ellipse(width - 140,height - 30, 10,18.5);//1 middle part
    fill(227, 127, 27);
    ellipse((width / 2) - 40,height - 30, 40,48);//2 (long / big)
    ellipse((width / 2) - 40,height - 30, 20,48);//2 middle part
    fill(227, 104, 27);
    ellipse((width / 2) - 50,height - 100, 9,7);//3 (small)
    ellipse((width / 2) - 50,height - 100, 5,7);//3 middle part
    fill(255, 81, 0);
    ellipse(width - 25,height - 130, 30,35);//4 (upper right)
    ellipse(width - 25,height - 130, 20,35);//4 middle part
    fill(224, 96, 4);
    ellipse(width / 8,height - 60, 40,30);//5 (left)
    ellipse(width / 8,height - 60, 20,30);//5 middle part
    fill(255, 86, 48);
    ellipse(width / 12,height - 110, 20,17);//6 (upper left)
    ellipse(width / 12,height - 110, 10,17);//6 middle part
    fill(242, 59, 22);
    ellipse(width - 180,height - 70, 15,15);//7 (right of main)
    ellipse(width - 180,height - 70, 10,15);//7 middle part
    fill(227, 98, 7);
    ellipse(width - 15,height - 15, 20,20);//8 (left corner)
    ellipse(width - 15,height - 15, 12,20.5);//8 middle part

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