Zee Salman-Looking Outwards-07

I was really interested in one of Stamen Designs recent data visualization projects that was set in collaboration with Victoria and Albert Museum. The project is called the Big Glass Microphone which looks at the cross or the intersection between two types of infrastructure. The machine does so by visualizing the vibrations of the structures in a five kilometer long fiber optic cable buried underneath the campus of Stanford University. The cable is mostly used for analyzing seismic waves as they pass through campus but they wanted to focus more on looking closer to activities closer them.

More of a reason I was really fascinated by this project was because it is focused on underground infrastructure. It is not visible above the basement of where they are testing at Stanford. The representation of the model shows the collected data by highlighting the pathway as well as having the pathway grow in size. I don’t really know how they came to create this code but my guess would be that they used a various amount of if statements as well as what we are learning this week, Object Oriented Programming.

This is a screenshot of the data visualization when it starts to play the stimulation.

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