Stefanie Suk – Project 07 – Curves


//Stefanie Suk
//15-104 D
//Project - 07 - Curves

var nPoints = 100;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {

    fill(20, 8, 78); //color for background
    rect(0, 0, width, height); 
    translate(width / 1.4, height / 2);


function drawCurve() {
    var cR = map(mouseX, 0, width, 100, 200);
    var cG = map(mouseX, 0, width, 200, 250);
    var cB = map(mouseX, 0, width, 230, 255); //color for shape

    var s = 100; // size
    var a = constrain(mouseX/2, 0, width) / 30; // mousex position
    var b = constrain(mouseY/2, 0, height) / 30; // mousey position

    fill(cR, cB, cG);

    for (var i = 0; i < nPoints; i++){ 
    var t = map(i, 0, nPoints, 0, TWO_PI); 

    x = s * (cos(a+t) * (1-(cos(a+t))));
    y = s * (sin(b+t) * (1-(cos(b+t)))); // equation of curve to create shape

    vertex(x,y);// drawing vertex

I used the Cardioid Curve from the Mathworld curves site to create this project. At first, I thought the movement of the curve was interesting, which is why I chose to use this particular curve. I thought the circular movement of the curve looked like the tornado-like movement of water when it is spun. I tried to express that circular movement of water with cardioid. By making the background color dark blue and the shape itself change colors between different shades of blue, I tried to express water and the spiral movement of water. Everytime I move the mouse left, the shape will turn clockwise and the color will turn vivid blue-green. When the mouse is moved right, the shape will turn counter-clockwise and the color will turn light blue.

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