This video is of Mario Klingemann’s speech at the 2015 Eyeo Festival.
Mario Klingemann is a German artist who is known for being one of the first people to utilize computer programming with arts. His works and studies involve researching the connections between creativity, culture and perception through the perspectives of artificial intelligence and mechanical learning. He told his speech the 2015 Eyeo Festival. He discusses about his approaches towards the concept of “order” from the perspectives of a programmer and an artist. I was interested in his work with the image collections of the British Library Labs. In this work, Klingemann classified 1 million images from the British Library Lab. He did this by using machines learning techniques to define different index for each image. He created an artwork with the information he obtained. Through the assignment we just did that involves locating the brightest pixel of the image, I admire this project so much for his skills of being able to sort through such a gigantic array of information. In his presentation, Klingemann uses various images and diagrams to help people better understand and visualize the information that he is trying to communicate. As a student who is interested in communication design, I am studying how to ease the process of transfer of information between different types of people. His method of coordinately visual graphical information through data maps with his presentation really made the data-grasping task of mine as an audience a lot smoother and this is what I am trying to learn from in design too.