
A snapshot of “blue scrolling” by Dan Gries


Original Work:

This is a randomness project that Jina explored on her LO. When I first took a look at this project on the artist’s website, I was surprised to see that it was animated because I didn’t imagine “scrolling endlessly” in such a dynamically animated way. Like Jina said, it is very interesting that the color and pattern is randomized, but the overarching system is very systematic. I was personally fascinated by the choice of spot color and gradient in this specific work. The gradient is not used simply in a decorative way, but it adds an interesting depth across the work, and the red becomes an important spot color that highlights the form and flow of a single braid. To add on to the post, the braid group consists of braid diagrams that have n strings that are attached to n points at the top and bottom of the diagram. Each braid is attached at the string ends to another braid to form a longer braid, then the whole braid is shrunk down vertically in half for an appropriate scale.

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