Mihika Bansal – Looking Outwards – 09

The looking outwards post I want to look at for this post is Angela Lee’s post from week 6. This post deals with the artist Matt Deslauriers. The piece of work she specifically analyzes is a generative art piece that creates random colors and lines that generate based on the click of the mouse. I agree with Angela’s analysis of the importance of color in the artist’s piece. The artist used color palettes that pre-exist and are already established as well liked. This move is particularly smart as it is something that will appeal to the masses which is important in the pieces that he is creating. Angela also notes this in her own post. She also touches upon the importance of finding a balance in his piece which can be hard with the randomness of it, but she addresses this situation well as well.

Image of the piece that is created when you click the canvas.

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