I am reflecting on Gretchen’s Looking Outwards from Week 1! In this looking outwards, she studied “The Emotional Art Gallery”. The emotional art gallery is an installation in many public places in Stockholm like public transportation buildings. It was created by the company Clear Channel and a design studio called Affairs. The digital billboards display a portrayal of emotion; however, not just any emotion. It is actually an interaction with the people in Stockholm; the emotions that are displayed are a direct reflection of the mood of the city.
Gretchen’s refection of this project and understanding of the benefits of the projects is pretty similar to mine and overall aligns with the goals of the creators. Displaying these emotions makes this project a human center focus. While other artworks might display a unique perspective of emotion, the interaction allows viewers to learn not only about themselves but the community that they are in. This allows civilians to ponder about negative emotions and perhaps be more conscious of ways that they can create a positive impact.