Dancer, designer, and Dance Medicine Specialist Kristin Neidlinger is a bio media designer and founder of SENSOREE. SENSOREE specializes in therapeutic bio media. This concept was derived from her masters thesis. She wanted to look into the future: what will healthcare look like with all this new technology? She tackled issues like sensory processing disorder, a condition from ADHD and autism. Now with SENSOREE, she creates bioresponsive fashion that reflects and promotes externalized intimacy.
Her project GER Mood Sweater uses electronic sensors used commonly in lie detectors. Her version, the Galvanic Extimacy Responder, is based on the Galvanic Skin Response which reads electrodermal activity. It shows excitement level. She uses her GER to detect and show emotion to externalize your most intimate emotions. The modern and cropped sweater is white, however, has a large collar with LED lights inside that change colors based on your emotions. The ironic concept of externalizing intimacy makes this piece of wearable art. interesting to ponder about.