Yoshi Torralva-Generative Landscape


//Yoshi Torralva
var runningTree = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480); 
        //placing trees on first canvas frame
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
        var rx = random(width);
        runningTree[i] = runningTreeObject(rx);
function draw() {
    background(18, 36, 64); 
    fill(255, 240, 186);
    ellipse(100, 200, 100, 100)
    fill(18, 36, 64); 
    ellipse(120, 190, 80, 80)
    fill(74, 74, 7);
    //back horizon line
    rect(0, 400, width, 200);
    //adding functions to move trees across canvas
    //front horizon line
    fill(51, 54, 1);
    rect(0, 420, width, 200);
//updating tree movement
function updateRunTree(){
    for (var i = 0; i < runningTree.length; i++){
//deleting trees after leaving canvas
function removeTree(){
    var keepTreeLoop = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < runningTree.length; i++){
        if (runningTree[i].x + runningTree[i].widthTree > 0) {
    runningTree = keepTreeLoop;
//adding new trees
function addingTrees() {
    var randomTreeAdding = 0.1; 
    if (random(0,1) < randomTreeAdding) {
//moving the tree everytime it is redrawn
    function movingTree() {
    this.x += this.speed;
// draw the building and some windows
function Tree() {
    var minHeightOfTree = 60;
    var treeHeight = this.heightOfTree * minHeightOfTree; 
    //moving bases to the bottom horizon line 
    translate(this.x, 420);
    //tree stumps
    rect(0, -treeHeight, this.widthTree, treeHeight);
    //greenery of the tree
    //variations of green called from the tree object
    ellipse(random(10,20), -treeHeight + random(10,15), treeHeight, treeHeight);
    //for loop made to show motion of trees in the grass
    //10 opaque variations of the dust from running trees
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        //random location not made in object as it redraws
        ellipse(random(10, 50), random(10,50), this.scaleOfGreens, this.scaleOfGreens);
function runningTreeObject(startX) {
    var object = {x: startX,
        widthTree: 20,
        speed: -5.0,
        //multiply to randomize height of tree
        heightOfTree: round(random(1, 20)),
        //size of tree bush
        scaleOfGreens: round(random(100,300)),
        move: movingTree,
        display: Tree,
        //varied green color
        colors: randomColor(),
        //varied wood color
        wood: randomWoodColor()
    return object;
//color of leaves
function randomColor() {
    return [Math.floor(random(0)), Math.floor(random(30,100)), Math.floor(random(10,20))]
//varied color of wood
function randomWoodColor() {
    return [Math.floor(random(20,50)), Math.floor(random(0,20)), Math.floor(random(0))]

Initial sketch of Generative Landscape

With this project, I wanted to generate a landscape that would give dynamic motion to actual elements in the landscape. I decided to give movement to the trees as if they were running on the ground. I added varied opaque clouds that show trailing dirt clouds. I placed made the background night time with a moon to depict the trees running in the night.

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