Project 1: My Self Portrait

Aysha Portrait

function setup() {
    createCanvas(350, 500);
    background(215, 167, 119)

function draw() {
    fill(107, 70, 27) // eyes
    ellipse(100, 140, 50);
    ellipse(250, 140, 50);
    fill(252, 226, 215, 150); // pupils
    ellipse(105, 145, 30); 
    ellipse(255, 145, 30);
    fill(107, 70, 27); // eyelids
    triangle(75, 139, 70, 115, 107, 116);
    triangle(275, 139, 280, 115, 243, 116);
    noFill(); // nose
    stroke(107, 70, 27);
    arc(175, 240, 80, 80, PI/4, 3/4 * PI);
    stroke(107, 70, 27); // mouth
    fill(157, 117, 74);
   // ellipse(175, 405, 110, 60);
    fill(215, 167, 119);
    rect(110, 370, 120, 40);
    fill(144, 93, 37);
    ellipse(175, 410, 110, 40);
    fill(215, 167, 119);
    rect(110, 410, 120, 30);
    strokeWeight(0); // white plaid
    fill(252, 226, 215, 100);
    rect(25, 0, 35, 500);
    rect(290, 0, 35, 500);
    rect(157, 0, 35, 500);
    rect(0, 60, 350, 35);
    rect(0, 190, 350, 35);
    rect(0, 320, 350, 35);
    rect(0, 450, 350, 35);
    fill(107, 70, 27, 35); // brown plaid
    rect(90, 0, 35, 500);
    rect(225, 0, 35, 500);
    rect(0, 0, 350, 30)
    rect(0, 125, 350, 35);
    rect(0, 255, 350, 35);
    rect(0, 385, 350, 35);


I’m not a very visual thinker, and it was more difficult than I expected to translate my idea into simple shapes.

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