Project 3: Dynamic Drawing

dynamic drawing
var angle = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 450);

function draw() {
    // change the background color from light -> dark blue as mouse top -> bottom of canvas
    if (mouseY < height/7) { 
        background (188, 210, 232); //lightest blue
    } else if (mouseY < (height/7)*2) {
        background (145, 186, 214);
    } else if (mouseY < (height/7)*3) {
        background (115, 165, 198);
    } else if (mouseY < (height/7)*4) {
        background (82, 138, 174);
    } else if (mouseY < (height/7)*5) {
        background (46, 89, 132);
    } else if (mouseY < (height/7)*6) {
        background (30, 63, 102);
    } else {
        background (23, 47, 77); //darkest blue

    //a box at the center of the canvas
    line(250, 175, 250, 275); //left border of box
    line(250, 175, 350, 175); //top border of box
    line(350, 175, 350, 275); //right border of box
    line(250, 275, 350, 275); //bottom border of box
    fill(79, 37, 37); //brown color for box
    rect(250, 175, 100, 100);

    //open side of box if mouse touches border
    if (mouseX < 250 & mouseY > 175 && mouseY < 275) { //if open left side
        line(200, 150, 250, 175);
        line(200, 300, 250, 275);
        var r = 255; //pink fill
        var g = 180;
        var b = 200;
        fill(r, g, b);
        circle(mouseX, mouseY, 300-mouseX); //small circle attached to mouse
        fill(r-mouseX, g-mouseX, b-mouseX); //opposite color from small circle
        circle(0, mouseY, mouseX); //large circle on the side of canvas

    } else if (mouseX > 350 & mouseY > 175 && mouseY < 275) { //if open right side
        line(350, 175, 400, 150);
        line(350, 275, 400, 300);
        //rectangle spin on center, change size and spin angle 
        if(mouseX > 350 & mouseX <450) {
            fill(235, 207, 52); //yellow
        } else {
            fill(52, 235, 116); //green
        translate(350, 225);
        rect(50, 50, mouseX-300, mouseX-300); //size of rect increases as mouse goes to the right
        if (mouseX > 350 & mouseX < 450){ //if on left side
            angle += 3; //rotate clock-wise
        } else { //if on right side
            angle -= 3; //rotate counter clock-wise

    } else if (mouseY < 175 & mouseX > 250 && mouseX < 350) { //if open top side
        line(200, 150, 250, 175);
        line(350, 175, 400, 150);
        var circleX = 300;
        var circleY = 150;
        //let circle size depend on how close mouse is to circles
        var size = constrain(dist(mouseX, mouseY, circleX, circleY),0, 30); 
        fill(115, 105, 205); //fill purple
        circle(circleX, circleY, size); //first circle
        circle(circleX, circleY-30, size*2); //2nd circle
        circle(circleX, circleY-60, size); //3rd circle
        circle(circleX, circleY-90, size*2); //4th circle
        circle(circleX, circleY-120, size); //5th circle

    } else if (mouseY > 275 & mouseX > 250 && mouseX < 350) { //if open bottom side
        line(200, 300, 250, 275);
        line(350, 275, 400, 300);
        //random neon spike of lines that follows the mouse 
        stroke(255, 230, 0); //bright yellow
        line(287.5, 362.5, mouseX, mouseY);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx, mapy+180);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx+40, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx, mapy+200);

        var mapx = map(mouseX, 250, 350, 210, 310); //map to a shorter length
        var mapy = map(mouseY, 275, 450, 235, 410); //map to a shorter length
        stroke(122, 255, 105); //bright green
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-130, mapy-50);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-40, mapy-20);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-130, mapy+150);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-150, mapy-39);

        stroke(248, 59, 255); //bright purple
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx*2, mapy*2);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx*1.1, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx, mapy+220);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx+50, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-80, mapy);

        stroke(150, 255, 250); //bright blue
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx*1.5, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-195, mapy+239);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-230, mapy+180);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx+10, mapy+50);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx, mapy+190);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx*0.2, mapy*2);

        stroke(255, 150, 217); //bright pink
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-20, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-100, mapy);
        line(287.5, 362.5, mapx-170, mapy+20);


The idea behind this drawing is a box that reveals different changing elements depending on where you put your mouse. The most challenging part of this project was figuring out how to make the elements change based on their interaction with mouseX and mouseY. I had to do some trial-and-error to get the effects that I wanted.

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