LO: Computational Fabrication

While looking through the different projects of digital fabrication, one specific project from Marius Watz caught my attention. I really admire Chainmail by Watz because it looked so complex I had to really look into it to see how it was made. When I looked carefully at the artwork, it was basically made out of many chains that were connected by hollow rectangles. I think it’s interesting how Watz created an artwork that looks very complex, but the artwork itself is just chains connected together. I suppose the artwork is a parametric object because it is made out of repetitive shapes. Watz’s artworks are mostly geometric shapes that repeat each other to create something very complex. I feel that Watz really captured his artistic sensibilities in this artwork because he repeats a simple rectangular shape to create a very organic shape. The artwork itself is very round, however, it is made out of rectangular shapes.

Chainmail by Marius Watz

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