LO #6


Zach Lieberman is a media artist who creates art with code. He uses Openframeworks for most of his creation, which is constantly updated on his instagram. In his recent works, he explored using a variety of random colors along with the wave effect and named the piece :color meditation. The slowly delayed motion of the colors moving towards the viewers’ perspective as it becomes thinner as it approaches the viewers’ eye, somehow gives the sense of relaxation. Another piece that he created recently is called “Grid push color”. I was intrigued by the combinations of random color he uses, and even though they are all unintentionally selected, they blend together very well. This piece consists of gradient squares which continuously changes color. This way, he successfully illustrates the movement of colors during the transitions of squares. This piece made me reach back my childhood memory of playing with a crystal prism.

https://www.instagram.com/zach.lieberman/ (more works)


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