Looking Outward 06

A particular work that I find interesting is e4708 by Mark Wilson. To describe the artwork, it looks like a collection of shapes like circles and squares that are repeated many times in neon colors. Some circles are on top of each other, while some circles are on top of squares. The colors make it seem like it’s a lucid dream just about to happen. The fact that I can’t exactly pinpoint what it is inspires me as it really does leave it up to the viewer to interpret the collection of shapes and spaces. I am unsure about the algorithms that the author uses, but he uses it well. Mark Wilson artistic sensibilities manifest in this piece as he is trying to leave it up to a larger audience. He created the piece by purchasing a personal computer and writing his own software. He mixes repetition, careful curation and randomness by the machine to create the piece. In conclusion, I really enjoy looking at this piece and the way it was created.

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