Diana Connolly – Project 10

Project 10: Dynamic Landscape

var cloudShape = {x: 30, y: 110, w:40, h: 20};
var cloud2Shape = {x: 500, y:50, w: 50, h:30};
var cloud3Shape = {x: 300, y: 70, w:25, h: 15};
var car = {x: 500, y: 340};
var car2 = {x: 200, y: 340};
var car3 = {x: 35, y:390};
var airplane = {x: 30, y: 30, w: 40, h: 10};
var airplane2 = {x: 590, y: 70, w: 40, h: 10};

//initial cloud colors and transparencies
var cloudColor = 150;
var cloudTransparency = 80;
var cloud2Color = 150;
var cloud2Transparency = 80;
var cloud3Color = 180;
var cloud3Transparency = 70;

//initial car1's color
var carR = 100;
var carG = 100;
var carB = 135;

//initial car2's color
var car2R = 100;
var car2G = 30;
var car2B = 80;

//initial car3's color
var car3R = 60;
var car3G = 180;
var car3B = 30;

var image1Location = 0; //begins first image at x=0
var image2Location = 1200; //begins second image at x=1200, twice the canvas width

function preload() {
    image1 = loadImage("http://i.imgur.com/kw0nRXj.png"); //loads fist background image
    image2 = loadImage("http://i.imgur.com/kw0nRXj.png"); //loads second background image

function setup() {

function draw() {
    image(image1, image1Location,0, width*2,height); //background image
    image1Location = image1Location - 1; //shifts the background image to the left
    image(image2, image2Location,0, width*2,height); //background image
    image2Location = image2Location - 1; //shifts the background image#2 to the left
    //connects the two separate images into a continuous background loop:
    if (image1Location == -width) { //when image1 goes off the canvas
        image2Location = width; //start image2 on the canvas
    } else if (image2Location == -width) { //when image2 goes off the canvas
        image1Location = width; //start image1 on the canvas


function drawStars() {
    fill(255,255,0,70); //yellow hue
    var starX = 60;
    var starY = 5;
    //draws lil star ellipses:

function drawPlane() {
    ellipse(airplane.x, airplane.y, airplane.w, airplane.h); //body
    triangle(airplane.x-24,airplane.y-10, airplane.x-20,airplane.y, airplane.x-5,airplane.y); //tail
    ellipse(airplane.x+8,airplane.y+1,airplane.w-10,7); //nose
    triangle(airplane.x-3,airplane.y+10, airplane.x-6,airplane.y+5, airplane.x+5,airplane.y+5); //wing
    ellipse(airplane.x+15,airplane.y-2,airplane.w/8,airplane.h-7); //eye
    airplane.x +=1.5; //moves right
    if (airplane.x >= 650) { //randomizes height of plane after off screen
        airplane.x = -130;
        airplane.y = random(10, 60);

function drawPlane2() {
    ellipse(airplane2.x, airplane2.y, airplane2.w, airplane2.h); //body
    triangle(airplane2.x+24,airplane2.y-10, airplane2.x+20,airplane2.y, airplane2.x+5,airplane2.y); //tail
    ellipse(airplane2.x-8,airplane2.y+1,airplane2.w-10,7); //nose
    triangle(airplane2.x-3,airplane2.y+10, airplane2.x-6,airplane2.y+5, airplane2.x+5,airplane2.y+5); //wing
    ellipse(airplane2.x-15,airplane2.y-2,airplane2.w/8,airplane2.h-7); //eye
    airplane2.x -=1.5; //moves right
    if (airplane2.x <= -230) { //randomizes height of plane after off screen
        airplane2.x = width+130;
        airplane2.y = random(10, 60);

function drawCloud() {
    fill(cloudColor, cloudTransparency);
    //ellipses to make up the cloud:
    ellipse(cloudShape.x-15, cloudShape.y, cloudShape.w+10,cloudShape.h);
    ellipse(cloudShape.x, cloudShape.y-10, cloudShape.w-10,cloudShape.h);
    ellipse(cloudShape.x+25, cloudShape.y-3, cloudShape.w,cloudShape.h);
    ellipse(cloudShape.x+35, cloudShape.y+5, cloudShape.w-10,cloudShape.h);
    ellipse(cloudShape.x+45, cloudShape.y, cloudShape.w,cloudShape.h);
    ellipse(cloudShape.x, cloudShape.y, cloudShape.w,cloudShape.h);
    cloudShape.x = cloudShape.x - .7; //moves right
    if(cloudShape.x <= -100) { //randomizes the properties once off screen
        cloudShape.x = width+80;
        cloudShape.y = random(30,110);
        cloudColor = random(150,255);
        cloudTransparency = random(60,80);
        cloudShape.h = random(30,25);

function drawCloud2() {
    fill(cloud2Color, cloud2Transparency);
    //ellipses to make up the cloud:
    ellipse(cloud2Shape.x-15, cloud2Shape.y, cloud2Shape.w+10,cloud2Shape.h);
    ellipse(cloud2Shape.x, cloud2Shape.y-10, cloud2Shape.w-10,cloud2Shape.h);
    ellipse(cloud2Shape.x+25, cloud2Shape.y-3, cloud2Shape.w,cloud2Shape.h+5);
    ellipse(cloud2Shape.x+35, cloud2Shape.y+5, cloud2Shape.w-10,cloud2Shape.h);
    ellipse(cloud2Shape.x+45, cloud2Shape.y, cloud2Shape.w,cloud2Shape.h);
    ellipse(cloud2Shape.x, cloud2Shape.y, cloud2Shape.w,cloud2Shape.h);
    cloud2Shape.x = cloud2Shape.x - .6; //moves left
    if(cloud2Shape.x <= -100) { //randomizes the properties once off screen
        cloud2Shape.x = width+100;
        cloud2Shape.y = random(30,110);
        cloud2Color = random(150,255);
        cloud2Transparency = random(60,80);
        cloud2Shape.h = random(40,35);

function drawCloud3() {
    fill(cloud3Color, cloud3Transparency);
    //ellipses to make up the cloud:
    ellipse(cloud3Shape.x-5, cloud3Shape.y, cloud3Shape.w+10,cloud3Shape.h);
    ellipse(cloud3Shape.x, cloud3Shape.y-7, cloud3Shape.w-10,cloud3Shape.h);
    ellipse(cloud3Shape.x+10, cloud3Shape.y-3, cloud3Shape.w,cloud3Shape.h+5);
    ellipse(cloud3Shape.x+15, cloud3Shape.y+3, cloud3Shape.w-10,cloud3Shape.h);
    ellipse(cloud3Shape.x+20, cloud3Shape.y, cloud3Shape.w,cloud3Shape.h);
    ellipse(cloud3Shape.x, cloud3Shape.y, cloud3Shape.w,cloud3Shape.h);
    cloud3Shape.x = cloud3Shape.x - .3; //moves left
    if(cloud3Shape.x <= -100) { //randomizes the properties once off screen
        cloud3Shape.x = width+100;
        cloud3Shape.y = random(30,110);
        cloud3Color = random(150,255);
        cloud3Transparency = random(60,80);
        cloud3Shape.h = random(5,25);

function drawCar1() {
    var wheelSize = 15;

        ellipse(car.x+2,car.y+25,wheelSize,wheelSize); //front wheel
        ellipse(car.x+45,car.y+25,wheelSize,wheelSize); //back wheel
    fill(carR, carG, carB);
        rect(car.x,car.y-5, 50,30,15,15,10,10); //top of car
        rect(car.x-18,car.y+10, 80,15,10); //body of car
        rect(car.x+6,car.y,10,10,5,2,2,2); //front window
        rect(car.x+20,car.y,10,10,2,2,2,2); //middle window
        rect(car.x+34,car.y,10,10,2,5,2,2); //back window
    fill(255,255,0); //yellow
        rect(car.x-20,car.y+13,5,7,5,1,1,5); //headlight
    fill(255,255,0,75); //headlight haze
        triangle(car.x-40,car.y+10, car.x-20,car.y+17, car.x-40,car.y+26);
    car.x -=3; //moves left
    if (car.x <= -200) { //randomizes color when off screen and starts it back on the other side of canvas
        car.x = 800;
        carR = random(200);
        carG = random(200);
        carB = random(200);

function drawCar2() {
    var wheelSize = 15;

        ellipse(car2.x+2,car2.y+25,wheelSize,wheelSize); //front wheel
        ellipse(car2.x+45,car2.y+25,wheelSize,wheelSize); //back wheel
    fill(car2R, car2G, car2B);
        rect(car2.x,car2.y-5, 50,30,15,15,10,10); //top of car
        rect(car2.x-18,car2.y+10, 80,15,10); //body of car
        rect(car2.x+6,car2.y,10,10,5,2,2,2); //front window
        rect(car2.x+20,car2.y,10,10,2,2,2,2); //middle window
        rect(car2.x+34,car2.y,10,10,2,5,2,2); //back window
    fill(255,255,0); //yellow
        rect(car2.x-20,car2.y+13,5,7,5,1,1,5); //headlight
    fill(255,255,0,75); //headlight haze
        triangle(car2.x-40,car2.y+10, car2.x-20,car2.y+17, car2.x-40,car2.y+26);
    car2.x -=3.8; //moves left
    if (car2.x <= -200) { //randomizes color when off screen and starts it back on the other side of canvas
        car2.x = 800;
        car2R = random(150);
        car2G = random(150);
        car2B = random(150);

function drawCar3() {
    var wheelSize = 17;

        ellipse(car3.x,car3.y, wheelSize, wheelSize); //back wheel
        ellipse(car3.x+50,car3.y, wheelSize, wheelSize); //front wheel
    fill(car3R, car3G, car3B);
        rect(car3.x-7,car3.y-34, 57,30,15,15,10,10); //top of car
        rect(car3.x-15,car3.y-17, 85,17,10); //body of car
        rect(car3.x,car3.y-30,11,12,5,2,2,2); //front window
        rect(car3.x+16,car3.y-30,11,12,2,2,2,2); //middle window
        rect(car3.x+32,car3.y-30,11,12,2,5,2,2); //back window
        rect(car3.x+65,car3.y-13,6,8,1,5,5,1); //headlight
        triangle(car3.x+95,car3.y-20, car3.x+65,car3.y-10, car3.x+95,car3.y); //headlight haze
    car3.x +=3;
    if (car3.x >= width + 100) { //randomizes color when off screen and starts it back on the other side of canvas
        car3.x = -150;
        car3R = random(100);
        car3G = random(100);
        car3B = random(100);

For my project this week, I knew that I wanted to have a dynamic city landscape. I love the look of city skylines, and so I decided to use that as my main focus. First, I made a background image in Photoshop and Illustrator to make a flat background that incorporated a gradient sunset, and the buildings. For my randomized, dynamic objects, I incorporated in cars, clouds, and planes. Each of these dynamic objects moves across the screen, and has some property about itself be randomized each time it goes off of the screen. For example, the clouds randomize their color, transparency, and size every time they have made it off of the screen. Below is my initial sketch for what I wanted the final project to look like:


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