Judy Li-Project-04-String-Art

judyli: String Project 04

Judy Li
Section A

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
	var x = 0;
	var x1 = 0;
	var x2 = 0;
	var x3 = 0;
	var x4 = 0;
	var x5 = 0;
	var y2 = 0;
	var y3 = 0;
	var y4 = 0;
	var y5 = 0;

	for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
		x += 10;
		stroke(255, 0, 0);
		line(300, 300, x, 0);
	for (var e = 0; e < 50; e++) {
		x1 += 10;
		line(300, 0, x1, 300);
	for (var c = 0; c < 1; c += 0.1) {
		x2 = lerp(300, 400, c);
		y2 = lerp(150, 0, c);
		stroke(0, 0, 255);
		line(400, 150, x2, y3);
	for (var d = 0; d < 1; d += 0.1) {
		x3 = lerp(300, 400, d);
		y3 = lerp(300, 300, d);
		stroke(255, 0, 255);
		line(400, 150, x3, y3);
    for (var h = 0; h < 30; h++) {
        x4 += 10;
        y4 += 10;
        stroke(255, 255, 255);
        line(0, y4, x4, 300);
    for (var s = 0; s < 30; s++) {
        x5 += 10;
        y5 += 10;
        stroke(100, 100, 100);
        line(300 - x5, 0, 0, y5);
	for (var f = 0; f < 6; f++) {
		ellipse(450 - (f * 75), 150, 20 * (f / 1.5), 20 * (f / 1.5));
		ellipse(450 - (f * 75), 150, 18 * (f / 1.5), 18 * (f / 1.5));
		ellipse(450 - (f * 75), 150, 16 * (f / 1.5), 16 * (f / 1.5));
		ellipse(450 - (f * 75), 150, 14 * (f / 1.5), 14 * (f / 1.5));
		ellipse(450 - (f * 75), 150, 12 * (f / 1.5), 12 * (f / 1.5));
		ellipse(450 - (f * 75), 150, 10 * (f / 1.5), 10 * (f / 1.5));
		ellipse(450 - (f * 75), 150, 8 * (f / 1.5), 8 * (f / 1.5));
		ellipse(450 - (f * 75), 150, 6 * (f / 1.5), 6 * (f / 1.5));
		ellipse(450 - (f * 75), 150, 4 * (f / 1.5), 4 * (f / 1.5));
		ellipse(450 - (f * 75), 150, 2 * (f / 1.5), 2 * (f / 1.5)); 

This project was a super fun one because it was easier for me to take control of the direction of my lines/curves. The only thing I had a little trouble with was the ‘lerp’ command. I had to test around with the x and y values so that I was able to get a sense of what I had to tweak to get a specific string pattern.

Looking Outwards – 04

Using textiles as electroacoustic transducers Author: Filip Visnjic

I thought this work was really interesting because I’ve see clothing that incorporates lighting, but not sound. This is a project by Esteban and Judit of EJTECH. The reason why they wanted to create pieces like this was to enhance and explore the possibilities of multi-sensory experiences through textiles. This soft sound acts as a provocative new instrument for human expression. The main piece, would be a metal surface that emits audio and sonic vibrations because it is embedded onto the fabric. The intent of this project was that it was to be used as an innovation to material. And because of this, there can be so many different possibilities to implement this application.

Soft Sounds – Registry Phase 1

Project Page – Prototypes and Different Iterations

Curran Zhang-LookingOutwards-4

This article begins to talk about the merge of music and technology. With the idea of robots being able to do jobs that humans can, many people begin to wonder whether robots and AI would have to ability to create music without the need of humans. Francois Pachet, head of SONY’s computer science lab in Paris, believed that they were very close to programming computers into creating melodies through the mashing of music’s produced by Legrand and McCartney. According to scientist, composer, and author, David Cope, music contains instructions that can be synthesized into different yet similar outputs. Cope also designed EMMY, an emulator, that creates music that are similar to Bach chorale, Mozart sonata, Chopin mazurka and Joplin Rag.

This ongoing process captured my attention since people within this field has a strong desire to link machine to music. In this era, the idea of multidisciplinary designs and work are applied in every field. Yet art, especially music, and machine are one of the harder combinations due to its different workflow. By trying to merge the two fields together, both fields of work would have layers of new discovery and understanding. Music that makes people cry, happy, and emotional would no longer only be achieved by people, but also by machines.




Kevin Riordan Project-04-String-Art-Section C


/*Kevin Riordan
Section C
function setup() {

function draw() {
    var x1;
    var x2;
    var y1;
    var y2;
    //criss cross and grid lines
    for (var i=0; i<=800; i+=10) {
    //bottom left
    for (var length1=0; length1<=1; length1+=0.02) {
    //top left
    for (var length2=0; length2<=1; length2+=0.02) {
    //bottom right
    for (var length3=0; length3<=1; length3+=0.02) {
    //top right
    for (var length4=0; length4<=1; length4+=0.02) {
    //setting variables back to normal
    for (var lengthC=0; lengthC<=1; lengthC+=0.025) {
        line(2*x1-width/2,height/2,width/2,height/2-(y2*2));//top left
        line(width/2,(y2*2)-height/2,2*x1+width/2,height/2);//top right
        line(2*x1-width/2,height/2,width/2,height/2+(y2*2));//bottom left
        line(width/2,1.5*height-(y2*2),2*x1+width/2,height/2);//bottom right
    //inside curves setting variables back to normal
    //curves go in a clockwise direction around
    for (var lengthIm=0; lengthIm<=1; lengthIm+=0.03) {
        //dark gray lines
        line(x1,y1,width/2-x2,y2); //top left quadrant upper curve
        line(width/2,height/2-y2,x1+width/2,y1); //top right quadrant upper curve
        line(width/2+x1,height/2,width,height/2-y2); //top right quadrant lower curve
        line(width/2+x1,height/2,width,height/2+y2); //bottom right quadrant upper curve
        line(width/2,height/2+y2,width/2+x1,height); //bottom right quadrant lower curve
        line(x1,height,width/2,height-y2); //bottom left quadrant lower curve
        line(0,height-y2,x1,height/2); //bottom left quadrant upper curve
        line(0,y2,x1,height/2); //top left quadrant lower curve
    for (var lengthIn=0; lengthIn<=1; lengthIn+=0.03) {
        //doing lines going the other way now on the outside
        line(0,height/2-y2,x1,0); //top left
        line(width/2+x1,0,width,y2); //top right
        line(width/2+x1,height,width,height-y2); //bottom right
        line(0,height/2+y2,x1,height); //bottom left
    for (var lengthIo=0; lengthIo<=1; lengthIo+=0.03) {
        //doing even lighter lines in the center now
        line(x1,height/2,width/2,height/2-y2); //center left
        line(width/2,y2,width/2+x1,height/2); //center right
        line(width/2,height-y2,width/2+x1,height/2); //bottom right
        line(x1,height/2,width/2,height/2+y2); //bottom left

I started by doing each group of lines in its own for loop, and then resetting the variables after each loop. Once I finished the first four outside line curves, I realized I could just put the rest of the smaller curves inside one for loop, so I did that at the end. But that didn’t make it layer right, so I split the big loop up into three for loops to layer each differently colored group correctly. Overall, I got comfortable with for loops and the lerp function, which I did not understand at all before this project.

Erin Fuller-LookingOutwards-04

The project “Green Music”, by John Lifton, a London based artist, was part of the documentary called “The Secret Life of Plants” (1979). Lifton produced music based on the bio-electronic sensing of plants to record the “stress” of their physical environment, such as light, temperature, the presence of guests, etc. In this project, the computers are constantly receiving information from the sensors attached to the plants, and converting the data into music. In this work it makes both the plants and humans creators in that they are both acting on each other to produce this sound; although there is no tangible interaction with the artwork, guests presence alone can be enough for the plants to react and create different music. I think that’s beautiful.

    Documentary Clip of “Green Music”, 1979

I think this project is admirable just because it was created so long ago. It is easy to think the computational design is something of this decade or even just this millennium, but this project has shown me that people have been working on and progressing the field of computational design for much longer than I previously thought.

Julie Choi – Looking Outwards – 04

Above shows the MULTIVERSE, the eternal birth and death of infinite parallel universes.

This project, Multiverse is an embodiment of the concept of “a system composed of an infinite number of universes that coexist simultaneously outside of our space-time.” Derived from the multiverse theory presented by Lee Smolin, this art piece fuses both audio and visual to generate a live experience of a narrative context. Multiverse was built through a program called openFrameworks that assimilates a continuous slide of digitally created photographs that displays a realistic series of evolutions of the multiverse. The photographs are generated with a soundtrack from the interaction of the visual elements. In the photographs, small unidentifiable particles continuously merge and separate forming bigger particles.

The vertical projection is 7.5 meters tall and has a mirror on the ceiling for a dramatic experience.

This art is displayed in a pitch black room that centers the focus only on the project. When the audiences stand in front of the vertical projection that is 7.5 meters tall, they are able to witness the art of creation.

Shirley Chen – Looking Outward 04

Sorting is a project that generates algorithm visualization and sonification by Ren Yuan. This project makes the sorting history, data comparison, data swap,absolute error, residual sum of squares and other features visible and audible by using computer programming.  There are seven sorting algorithms to make this algorithm visualization and sonification: insertion sort, shell sort, bubble sort, quick sort, selection sort, heap sort, and merge sort.  The problem size of all sorting algorithms is 31, and the initial condition is random.

This project are very attractive to me because it visualizes the abstract computing features, picturing such invisible process of the computer directly. It even generates the sound based on the operation of these features, enhancing the visibility and concretization of the computing process. Moreover, by using certain algorithm, these features generate various, dynamic, and aesthetic patterns, shapes, and motions that can be inspirations for many artistic fields such as architecture and fine arts. Various sound that are generated by this project can be manipulated to be soundtrack for specific purposes such as using in Electronic Dance Music(EDM).  The visual representation combining with the sonification work perfectly to produce the visual and audio effects to the audience.



Algorithm Visualization through Sorting


SORTING from Ren Yuan on Vimeo.

Kevin Riordan-Looking Outwards-04-Section C

Setup of Cycling Wheel performance in Taipei

For this week’s Looking Outwards, I chose to write about the Cycling Wheel, an installation/performance done in 2017, in Nuit Blanche Taipei. The creators Keith Lam, Seth Hon, and Alex Lai based their idea on Marcel Duchamp’s bicycle wheel sculpture, which is an upside down bicycle wheel mounted on a stool. The sounds are created by turning bicycle wheels that are lit up, and connected with strings as shown in the picture above. The sound produced is very similar to festival or techno music, but it is kind of hard to tell how the sound changes by turning the wheels in the performance, probably because there were three people controlling individual aspects of the overall sound. I could not find much about the algorithm to turn the wheel spinning into sound, but a custom made software was created using Processing, to control the light beams, led strips, and music. A picture of the interface is included, and I really admire how clean the interface looks, and how much work went into making such a unique project.

Interface for the Cycling Wheel performance

Tanvi Harkare – Looking Outwards – 04

A project that dealt with computational soundscapes is the Meandering River, created by the Funkhaus Berlin and onformative collaboration. The inspiration behind the project is the historical difference in landscapes, especially in bodies of water, that are made overtime. The objective of the art piece is to capture these changes that cannot be usually seen by the human eye. The algorithm that was specifically created for this project combines the river and surface patterns and classical music, composed by the Kling Klang Klong group, to create a colorful display. It was displayed at the Funkhaus Sound Chamber in Berlin from July 27th to the 30th in the year 2018. The creators of the project hoped that the imagery would help create a unique experience in terms of time, nature, and the emotional journey it can take us through.

I think the project is a unique way of converting audio into a dynamic visual painting. While the story behind the audiovisual installation is moving, one way they could have improved the user experience is having the art be more interactive. For example, a different image would be displayed whenever someone stood in front of it, or even touched the artwork.  

A view of the Meandering River at the Funkhaus Berlin

Jenni Lee — Looking outwards — 04

Demonstrative video of LINES – an interactive sound art exhibition

This week for my selected sound art project, I chose Swedish composer, Anders Lind’s, interactive sound art exhibition, titled “LINES.” In this sound exhibition, colored lines attached to the wall generate sound when touched. As this project is a mesh of both sound and art, it not only enables new forms of musical interaction, but it promotes innovate art exploration. The various combinations of sound that can be produced through interaction with different locations on the lines allows for unique, and inventive music. I admire that the final installation may appear to be minimalistic, but the sound component of the project allow for intricacies of sound combinations, ultimately creating a complex piece. I believe that the success of this piece can be mainly attributed to the interactive components, as users can either touch the lines with their fingers or run, walk, and hop across the lines.

Here is another video of a LINES exhibit: