Jonathan Liang – Project 6 – Abstract Clock


//Jonathan Liang
//section A

var ballX = 200;
var ballY = 0;
var speedX = 5;
var count = 0;
var xS = [];
var yS = 0;
var xM = [];
var yM = 0;
var xH = [];
var yH = 0;
var ySpeedS = 10;
var ySpeedM = 5;
var ySpeedH = 3;
var radius = 20;

var action = false;
var dayColor = 255;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    for (var i = 1; i < 60; i++) {
    	xS[i] = random(20, width - 20);
    for (var i = 1; i < 60; i++) {
    	xM[i] = random(20, width - 20);
 	for (var i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
 		xH[i] = random(20, width - 20);

function draw() {


//fetching current time
	var H = hour();
    var M = minute();
    var S = second();
    dayColor = map(H, 0, 24, 255, 0);
    H = H % 12;

//background color

	for (var i = 0; i <= H; i++) {
		fill(128, 212, 255);
		ellipse(xH[i], yH, radius);
		xH[i] += speedX;
		yH += ySpeedH;
		if (yH > height-20 || yH < 0) {
			ySpeedH = -ySpeedH;
			radius += 10;
		if (xH[i] > height-20 || xH[i] < 0) {
			speedX = -speedX;
			radius += 10;


	for (var i = 0; i <= M; i++) {
		ellipse(xM[i], yM, 15, 15);
		xM[i] += speedX;
		yM += ySpeedM;
		if (yM > height-20 || yM < 0) {
			ySpeedM = -ySpeedM;
		if (xM[i] > height-20 || xM[i] < 0) {
			speedX = -speedX;

	for (var i = 0; i <= S; i++) {
		ellipse(xS[i], yS, 10, 10);
		xM[i] += speedX;
		yS += ySpeedS;
		if (yS > height-20 || yS < 0) {
			ySpeedS = -ySpeedS;
		if (xS[i] > height-20 || xS[i] < 0) {
			speedX = -speedX;


Uh for this project, I start with, with a concept, of the world. The world is so hectic and fast moving that we have trouble keeping track of time. The minutes and seconds represent the stars in the sky and the gradually expanding blue circles (hours) represent the tide of the ocean. The minutes and the seconds move so fast, which is symbolic of how life moves so quickly, that we don’t have time to look at the stars in the sky. This whole paragraph sounds incredibly corny and I’m so sorry that it does.

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