//Austin Treu
//Section B
function setup() {
createCanvas(580, 580);
//set vars for circles
var tw = 20, th = 20, offset = 20,
circSize = 10, loops = 10,
backX = ((loops-1) * tw)/2, backY = ((loops-1) * th)/2,
backSize = loops*circSize,
tileSizeX = (loops) * tw, tileSizeY = (loops) * th,
//randomize color
colorRandom = int(random(255));
backColor = 'rgb(100,0,'+colorRandom+')',
circColor = 'rgb('+colorRandom+',0,200)',
lineColor = 'rgb(200, 0,'+colorRandom+')';
//loop to draw multiple tiles
for(var i = 0; i < (height/tileSizeY); i++){
for(var j = 0; j < (width/tileSizeX); j++){
//draw big background circle
ellipse(backX + j*tileSizeX, backY + i*tileSizeY, backSize, backSize);
//utilize honeycomb pattern for tile
for (var y = 0; y < loops; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < loops; x++) {
if(y%2 === 0){
var py = ( (y * th)) + i * tileSizeY;
var px = ( (x * tw)) + j * tileSizeX;
ellipse(px, py, circSize, circSize);
var py = ( (y * th)) + i * tileSizeY;
var px = ( (0.5 * offset + x * tw)) + j * tileSizeX;
ellipse(px, py, circSize, circSize);
//draw lines around each tile
line(j*tileSizeX, i*tileSizeY, (j+1)*tileSizeX, i*tileSizeY);
line((j+1)*tileSizeX + 0.5*offset, (i+1)*tileSizeY-th, j*tileSizeX + 0.5*offset, (i+1)*tileSizeY-th);
line(j*tileSizeX, i*tileSizeY, j*tileSizeX + 0.5*offset, (i+1)*tileSizeY-th);
line((j+1)*tileSizeX + 0.5*offset, (i+1)*tileSizeY-th, (j+1)*tileSizeX, i*tileSizeY);
When I started working on this project, I wanted to use the honeycomb code from Assignment B this week because of how interesting that ended up looking by itself. Ultimately I had to simplify it in order to make the math for the rest of the design work out a bit better, as adjusting everything to deal with the square root of three over two can become a difficult task. The shapes’ randomized fills and stroke correspond with each other and utilize the same random value in different ways.