Emily Gobeille is an artist and renowned designer who specializes in merging technology and design to create rich and immersive design experiences. She is a Partner and Creative Director of Design I/O, and due to her unbound energy and affinity for telling stories, she tends to create of high-end but playful interactive installations for children. With an emphasis on meaningful interaction and systems built to support open play and discovery, her work creates a sense of wonder and delight.
The Carnival Interactive Aquarium, commissioned by Arnold R&D, was installed in storefront windows in 6 cities across the US. Gobeille used computer vision to cause the seascape to react to the motion of a user – seaweed will sway and fish will scatter – who can dial in with any mobile device and create a fish using their voice. Users play a game with the installation in real time through voice and phone keypad. I think this installation, though it was created as an advertisement, is really neat in how the public can interact with it.
Video of Installation, 2009