Alice Fang- Self Portrait


/* Alice Fang
Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    background(87, 160, 170);

    fill(244, 207, 162);
    quad(289, 444, 412, 428, 480, 600, 300, 600);

    fill(76, 35, 5);
    ellipse(337, 199, 385, 350);
    quad(176, 252, 314, 303, 218, 562, 80, 511);
    ellipse(199, 542, 244, 357);

    fill(244, 171, 122);
    ellipse(183, 307, 75, 103);

    stroke(225, 245, 235);
    rect(161, 350, 45, 125, 17);

    fill(204, 104, 70);
    quad(273, 527, 433, 471, 480, 600, 300, 600);

    fill(244, 207, 162);
    ellipse(338, 271, 350, 408);

    fill(244, 171, 122);
    quad(284, 290, 317, 323, 300, 351, 267, 336);

    //eye line
    fill(76, 35, 5);
    ellipse(357, 279, 47, 32);
    ellipse(244, 283, 47, 32);

    //white of eye
    fill(255, 245, 235);
    ellipse(243, 287, 44, 29);
    ellipse(358, 283.2, 44, 29);

    fill(76, 35, 5);
    ellipse(256, 285, 21, 27);
    ellipse(370, 282, 21, 27);

    stroke(76, 35, 5);
    line(214, 252, 268, 252);
    line(334, 238, 389, 253);

    //top of mouth, nose shadow
    fill(219, 122, 83);
    ellipse(305, 388, 57, 22);
    quad(267, 336, 296, 339, 317, 322, 300, 351);

    //bottom of mouth
    fill(204, 104, 70);
    ellipse(306, 395, 50, 11);

    fill(76, 35, 5);
    ellipse(485, 390, 147, 564);
    rect(250, 54, 151, 192, 25);
    quad(120, 205, 211, 68, 296, 125, 205, 261);
    quad(346, 93, 432, 50, 521, 231, 424, 273);


I found this project to be fairly straightforward, though it was tricky making sure I had the elements in the correct order (especially my hair, in order to get bangs in front of my face…), and making sure the code was organized and readable. Super satisfied with learning how to do this!

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