function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
background(200, 180, 200);
function draw() {
fill(85, 65, 45);
ellipse(300, 200, 320, 320); // hair //
rect(140, 200, 320, 500);
ellipse(160, 210, 50, 55); // left curls //
ellipse(156, 240, 50, 55);
ellipse(153, 270, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 300, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 330, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 360, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 390, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 420, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 450, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 480, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 510, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 540, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 570, 50, 55);
ellipse(150, 600, 50, 55);
ellipse(440, 210, 50, 55); // right curls //
ellipse(444, 240, 50, 55);
ellipse(447, 270, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 300, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 330, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 360, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 390, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 420, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 450, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 480, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 510, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 540, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 570, 50, 55);
ellipse(450, 600, 50, 55);
fill(200, 180, 200);
triangle(210, 50, 250, 45, 245, 70); // hair part //
fill(240, 200, 160);
ellipse(300, 230, 240, 280); // face //
fill(240, 200, 160);
arc(250, 400, 100, 100, PI + QUARTER_PI + QUARTER_PI, PI - QUARTER_PI); // neck //
arc(350, 400, 100, 100, QUARTER_PI, PI + QUARTER_PI + QUARTER_PI);
rect(215, 435, 170, 70);
rect(270, 365, 70, 70);
fill(240, 200, 160);
ellipse(180, 230, 50, 50); // ears //
ellipse(420, 230, 50, 50);
fill(240, 240, 240);
ellipse(170, 240, 10, 10); // earrings //
ellipse(430, 240, 10, 10)
fill(255, 255, 255);
ellipse(250, 200, 50, 30); // eyes //
ellipse(350, 200, 50, 30);
fill(85, 65, 45);
ellipse(250, 200, 25, 25); // iris //
ellipse(350, 200, 25, 25);
stroke(0, 0, 0);
point(250, 200); // pupils
point(350, 200);
stroke(85, 65, 45);
curve(120, 240, 215, 165, 280, 165, 270, 210); // eyebrows //
curve(220, 270, 320, 165, 385, 165, 280, 150);
fill(255, 255, 255);
stroke(230, 130, 130);
arc(300, 300, 85, 70, 0, PI); // mouth //
line(257.5, 300, 342.5, 300);
arc(300, 260, 25, 25, PI + QUARTER_PI + QUARTER_PI, PI - QUARTER_PI - QUARTER_PI); // nose//
stroke(160, 80, 45);
ellipse(250, 205, 80, 60); // glassess //
ellipse(350, 205, 80, 60);
line(290, 205, 309, 205);
line(209, 205, 179, 200);
line(390, 205, 420, 200);
triangle(215, 435, 300, 492, 120, 492); // shirt //
triangle(385, 435, 300, 492, 480, 492);
rect(120, 492, 360, 110);
ellipse(125, 566, 50, 150);
ellipse(475, 566, 50, 150);
In this project, I focused on using many unique graphic elements to create my self-portrait. I tried to apply most of the functions that we’ve learned in class.