Irrational Geometrics

Irrational Geometrics is a series of generative art created by French artist, Pascal Dombis. When a person pulls a string (like pictured above), the displays on the screens change. This interactive installation was created using 4 videoprojectors, 2 computers, and custom software. The algorithm used may possibly have to do with randomizing the movement, length, shape, and color of the lines and activating when the string is pulled. This algorithm seems to align with his philosophy that “a line generates reality,” which is often interpreted as a mysterious, constantly moving, abstract concept.
Through the Irrational Geometrics series, Dombis tries to portray the significance and universality of a line. I thought Dombis’s concept of using simply lines to create art is inspirational. He goes beyond what is presented at face value and creates something powerful. The colors in the installations vary widely, and even though the image above is still, it conveys so much movement! It seems as if you’re in another dimension or in some time traveling portal. I think Dombis successfully captured his philosophy that “a line generates reality.”
To see Irrational Geometrics in action, click here!