var ballDiam = 50;
var ballDiamChange = 1;
var flowerCenterX = 400;
var flowerCenterY = 300;
function setup() {
createCanvas(800, 600);
var rotation = 0;
var rotdir = 1;
var rotdirChange = 2;
var speedOldX = 2;
var speedOldY = 2;
var speedX = 2;
var speedY = 2;
var isMouseMoved = 0;
var ballPosition = 0;
function draw() {
background(216, 216, 206);
if (isMouseMoved == 1) {
speedX = 0;
speedY = 0;
flowerCenterX = mouseX;
flowerCenterY = mouseY;
} else {
speedX = speedOldX;
speedY = speedOldY;
rotation += rotdir;
flowerCenterX = flowerCenterX + speedX;
flowerCenterY = flowerCenterY + speedY;
// check if the ball is touching the top,
// reverse vertical direction
if (flowerCenterY < ballDiam * 3 / 2) {
flowerCenterY = ballDiam*3/2;
speedY = 2;
if (flowerCenterY + ballDiam*3/2 > height) {
flowerCenterY = height - ballDiam*3/2;
speedY = -2;
// check if the ball is touching the right,
// reverse horizontal direction
if (flowerCenterX + ballDiam * 3 / 2 > width) {
flowerCenterX = width - ballDiam*3/2;
speedX = -2;
// check if the ball is touching the left,
// reverse horizontal direction
if (flowerCenterX < ballDiam * 3 / 2) {
flowerCenterX = ballDiam*3/2;
speedX = 2;
isMouseMoved = 0;
if (speedX != 0 & speedY != 0) {
speedOldX = speedX;
speedOldY = speedY;
function mouseMoved() {
ballDiam += ballDiamChange;
// change ball size when mouse moves
if (ballDiam >= 100) {
ballDiam = 100;
ballDiamChange = -1;
} else if (ballDiam <= 25) {
ballDiam = 25;
ballDiamChange = 1
// change rotation speed and direction when ball moves
rotdir += rotdirChange;
if (rotdir >= 10) {
rotdir = 10;
rotdirChange = -2;
} else if (rotdir <= -10) {
rotdir = -10;
rotdirChange = 2;
// change ball color location when mouse moves
if (ballPosition == 6) {
ballPosition = 0;
isMouseMoved = 1;
//create center of flower
function createFlower() {
fill(251, 246, 178);
translate(flowerCenterX, flowerCenterY)
ellipse(0, 0, ballDiam, ballDiam);
// using sin and cos to determine coordinates
// of the surrounding balls
fill(85, 78, 104);
ellipse(ballDiam * cos(60 * ballPosition), ballDiam * sin(60 * ballPosition), ballDiam, ballDiam);
fill(135, 133, 142);
ellipse(ballDiam * cos(60 * (ballPosition + 1)), ballDiam * sin(60 * (ballPosition + 1)), ballDiam, ballDiam);
fill(173, 169, 182);
ellipse(ballDiam * cos(60 * (ballPosition + 2)), ballDiam * sin(60 * (ballPosition + 2)), ballDiam, ballDiam);
fill(196, 194, 198);
ellipse(ballDiam * cos(60 * (ballPosition + 3)), ballDiam * sin(60 * (ballPosition + 3)), ballDiam, ballDiam);
fill(241, 239, 243,);
ellipse(ballDiam * cos(60 * (ballPosition + 4)), ballDiam * sin(60 * (ballPosition + 4)), ballDiam, ballDiam);
fill(49, 44, 66);
ellipse(ballDiam * cos(60 * (ballPosition + 5)), ballDiam * sin(60 * (ballPosition + 5)), ballDiam, ballDiam);
For this dynamic drawing, I wanted to experiment with the abstraction of a flower. Using dynamic movements, I wanted to convey the feeling of a flower floating through the breeze. Through the dynamic elements of size, position, color, rotation, and speed rotation direction, I was able to execute this idea. This project required a lot of effort for me, as not only did I have to look up many references on the p5 website and experiment with those features, but it also took me a while to figure out the positioning of the circles on this flower. Although it was difficult to accomplish, as I decided to take on the task of utilizing various features which I had previously never used before, such as using sin and cos, it ultimately was a good learning experience.