/*Dani Delgado
Section E
//background color variables
var bgB = (20, 100);
var bgG = (20, 100);
//line weight variables
var rectW = 40;
var rectX = rectW * 2;
//angles for rotation
var a1 = 0;
//moon growing variable
var moong = 100;
var speed = 3;
var direc = 1;
//eye glow variables
var eyeLW = 0;
var eyeLH = 0;
var eyeRW = 0;
var eyeRH = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
//color changing background; constrain the colors to make it appear darker
bgR = mouseX;
bgB = constrain(mouseX, 10, 100);
bgG = constrain(mouseY, 20, 100);
background (10, bgG, bgB);
//draw the moon
//the moon rotates based on the mouseY coordinate
fill(215, 211, 190);
a1 = (mouseY / height) * 180;
ellipse(20, 10, 225, 225);
a1 = a1 - 3;
//draw the "trees" that are behind the primary animal
fill (60, 34, 10);
rect(rectX - 80, 0, rectW, height);
rect(rectX * 2, 0 , rectW, height);
rect(rectX * 4, 0, rectW, height);
rect(rectX * 6, 0, rectW - 6, height);
rect(rectX, 0, rectW - 14, height);
//draw the yellow moving bird which moves on the -mouseX and -mouseY coordinates
//start with the bird body
fill(255, 221, 51);
ellipse(-mouseX + 640, -mouseY + 480, 40, 40);
//make bird tail
triangle(-mouseX + 655, -mouseY + 510, -mouseX + 700, -mouseY + 515, -mouseX + 705, -mouseY + 525);
//make bird eye and beak
ellipse(-mouseX + 649, -mouseY + 488, 10, 10);
fill(255, 140, 25);
triangle(-mouseX + 635, -mouseY + 500, -mouseX + 640, -mouseY + 505, -mouseX + 640, -mouseY + 495);
//draw the red moving bird which moves on the mouseX and mouseY coordinates
//start with the bird body
fill(255, 120, 51);
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 40, 40);
//make bird tail
triangle(mouseX + 15, mouseY + 30, mouseX + 60, mouseY + 35, mouseX + 65, mouseY + 45);
//make bird eye and beak
ellipse(mouseX + 9, mouseY + 8, 10, 10);
fill(255, 140, 25);
triangle(mouseX - 5, mouseY + 20, mouseX, mouseY + 25, mouseX , mouseY + 15);
// draw the "trees" that are in front of the moving birds
fill(60, 34, 10);
rect(rectX * 3, 0, rectW, height);
rect(rectX * 5, 0, rectW, height);
rect(rectX * 7, 0, rectW - 2, height);
rect(rectX, 0, rectW - 10, height);
//draw the primary animal
//draw the body of the primary animal
fill(82, 48, 0);
rect(width / 3.20, height / 1.5, 300, 200, 90, 90, 0, 0);
//draw the belly fur highlight
fill(130, 90, 10);
rect(width / 2.28, height / 1.10, 150, 60, 90, 90, 0, 0);
//draw primary animal's head
//draw the basic head shape (circle)
fill(102, 68, 0);
ellipse(width / 2.5, height / 2.5, 200, 200);
//draw the facial features (ears, snout, nose)
arc(width / 2 - 70, height / 2.5 + 10, 60, 65, 2, 5.6, PI, OPEN);
arc(width / 1.5 - 20, height / 2.5 + 10, 60, 65, 3.75, 8, PI + QUARTER_PI, OPEN);
fill(150, 100, 10);
arc(width / 2 - 60, height / 2.5 + 25, 28, 32, 2, 5.6, PI, OPEN);
arc(width / 1.5 - 5, height / 2.5 + 25, 28, 32, 3.75, 7.5, PI, OPEN);
ellipse(width / 2.5 + 50, height / 1.6, 100, 70);
fill(60, 8, 0);
ellipse(width / 2 + 16, height / 1.43, 40, 30);
//draw the eyes
//eyes will glow when you mouse over them
eyeLW = width / 2 - 25;
eyeLH = height / 2 + 15;
eyeRW = width / 2 + 60;
eyeRH = height / 2 + 15;
var eyedim = 35
if ((mouseX > eyeLW) & (mouseX < eyeLW + eyedim) &&
(mouseY > eyeLH) && (mouseY < eyeLH + eyedim) ||
(mouseX > eyeRW) & (mouseX < eyeRW + eyedim) &&
(mouseY > eyeRH) && (mouseY < eyeRH + eyedim)) {
fill(255, 238, 153);
} else {
fill(60, 8, 0);
ellipse(eyeLW, eyeLH, eyedim, eyedim);
ellipse(eyeRW, eyeRH, eyedim, eyedim);
I started out this project in a very abstract way, only drawing moving ellipses and rectangles that followed the mouse at varying degrees of offset. However, when I woke up one day this week and my first thought was about an animal in the woods, I decided that exploring that concept would be a cute direction. And so, I drew this little scene.