//Name: Alessandra Fleck
//Class Section : B
//Email: afleck@andrew.cmu.edu
var angle = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
// set background to night color
background(28, 41, 74);
//change background color
if (mouseX < (width / 2)) {
background (148, 236, 223); //change background to day when mouse is in left of halway
//Create the Sun and Moon
fill(215, 215, 215);
var m = max(min(mouseX, 400), 0);
var size = m * 200 /400;
ellipse(450 + m * 190.0 / 480, 100.0, size, size);
fill(214, 212, 161);
size = 100 - size;
ellipse(200 + m * 190.0 / 480, 200.0, size + 10, size);
//rolling hill-01 (left)
translate (100,600);
fill(115, 99,87);
//rolling hill-02 (right)
translate (100,600);
fill(115, 99,87);
fill(51,41,32); // dark back hill
ellipse(0, 500, 750, 800);
//First Tree left
fill(95, 150, 124);
rect(opp -50, 40, 20, 400);
//Hill in the far back
var m = max(min(width - mouseX, 800), 400);
var size = m * 100 / 450;
ellipse(100 + m * 100 / 480, 400, size + 400, 300);
//Hill on the right that moves against cursor
fill(115, 99,87);
var m = max(min(width - mouseX, 800), 400);
var size = m * 100 / 450;
ellipse(500 + m * 100 / 480, 400, size + 300, 200);
//Solid to cover the hills
fill(176, 169, 138);
rect(0, 400, 700, 100);
fill(176, 169, 138); // solid hill on left (brown)
ellipse(0, 400, 700, 100);
fill(115, 99,87); // solid hill on left (brown)
ellipse(0, 400, 650, 80);
fill(150,125,107); // solid hill on right (brown)
ellipse(400, 450, 650, 90);
var opp = width - mouseX;
fill(87, 129, 59); // bush front
ellipse(mouseX-500, 350, 800, 60);
fill(73, 83, 65); //ground floor
ellipse(mouseX - 300,380,600,80);
fill(107, 147, 88); // bush behind
ellipse(mouseX-400, 400, 800, 80);
angle = angle + 3;
fill(42, 22, 33); //tree trunk
rect(opp, 200, 40, 400);
fill(18, 70, 43); //tree top
fill(83, 71, 65); //medium tree trunk
rect(opp + 95, 100, 30, 400);
rect(opp + 50, 50, 30, 400);
fill(100, 120, 69); //tree top-02
fill(98, 66, 36);
rect(opp -50, 40, 20, 400);
fill(87, 129, 59); //tree top
ellipse(opp - 80,100,100,100);
fill(100, 120, 69); //tree top-02
fill(107, 147, 88); //tree top-light
fill(77, 83, 65); //tree top
fill(107, 147, 88); //tree top-light
ellipse(opp - 60,300,100,100);
fill(107, 147, 88); //tree top-light
ellipse(opp + 150,250,80,60);
fill(96, 166, 104); //ground floor
ellipse(opp - 60,480,500,100);
For this project I wanted to use the simple movements we learned with rotation and translation of objects and use ellipses to make rolling hills and scenery. The inspiration for this project came from me working on it indoors and wanting to go outside.