NABEKIESAV (2013-2014) is a 3D print that belongs to a larger series of three “strawberry sculptures” including AELBWARTS and NABEKIARTS. Crafted by Nick Ervinck, this series is inspired by his exchange with Dr. A.P.M. Ton den Nijs, a scientist at the Plant Breeding Department of Wageningen University. NABEKIESAV carries Dr. Nijs’ rot-resistant strawberry hybridization process to the extreme. I admire the commanding presence of this utopian strawberry sculpture. From the shape of its vase to the blooming quality of its leaves, it looks as if it may come to life. Why I admire this aspect is because it goes to show the complexity of Ervinck’s thoughts on fruit hybridization. In addition to qualities that make NABEKIESAV seemingly come to life, are sculptural contradictions that make for an impactful experience. While there is something purely beautiful and poetic about the form and texture of his sculpture, Ervinck writes that his sculpture “resembles a horned demon emerging from its cave.” He has transformed the simple strawberry into something surreal and out of ordinary, a manifestation of his own thoughts on fruit hybridization. While I can’t really guess the algorithms utilized to 3d print his sculpture, Ervinck’s final form well depicts the artist’s thoughts on an important topic of today that is the manipulation of the purest forms of nature.