After looking through the websites given to us, I wanted to analyze my favorite example of sound art. The piece I am going to describing today is Sonic Playground by Yuri Suzuki. I admire how it plays upon the idea of childhood wonder as well as transforming the space it into a playground. As a kid, my favorite part of a playground was the different forms could transport noises to the opposite side of the playground. I enjoy how the project focuses on the mechanisms of that same design in playgrounds and yet still add a different technical side to a childhood toy.

From the diagram given, it seems as if the different installations are connected. According to the article, the designer uses Grasshopper and Rhinoceros which are 3D geometrical software. It uses ray tracing techniques for specific frequencies which allows for acoustic applications. It was also stated that the plug is a 3D raytracing tool that can allow the selection of a specific sound in a particular direction.
According to the artist, he wanted these pieces to animate the outdoor space and allow visitors/passersby to look and interact with the art experiences.