Looking Outwards 5 – Sara Frankel

caption: CGI is used throughout the entire movie of The Hobbit.

The movie, The Hobbit, uses CGI, or computer generated imagery, to help develop the feeling of a different world. Every aspect of this movie is produced with CGI. Everywhere from the size of the characters (to distinguish the difference between a hobbit and not), the scenery (the differences between castles, caves, rolling hills, different villages), to building legitimate characters (the dragon, Gollum, and a lot of the little furry friends). I admire this process as by applying CGI to almost every aspect of the movie truly helps to fully develop the quality and almost the legitimacy of the reality of the movie. This movie inspires me with my major in the sense that just applying CGI, or in my case my phrasing, to one’s art will raise the quality and the coherency of the product.

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