Yiran Xuan – Project 05 – Wallpaper


To generate the wallpaper, I first drew a pattern on graph paper, labelling the number of points and the connections that would need to be made between them. Then I realized that I would need 3 nested loops to draw this pattern with the most efficiently; outermost loop to iterate through the rows, next loop to iterate through each butterfly, and innermost loop to iterate through each line. I used arrays to store the coordinates of the points. I also wanted butterflies to alternate orientation with their horizontal and vertical neighbors, necessitating two variables to keep track of orientation.


function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 600);
    var xdist = 32; //horizontal distance between iteration
    var ydist = 24; //vertical distnace between iteration

    var xcoord = [16, 16, 8, 0, 4, 8, 8]; //x coordinates for butterfly
    var ycoord = [12, 4, -4, 0, -12, -8, -4]; //y coordinates for butterfly

    var firstdir = 1; //orientation of the pattern at the beginning of the row
	var dir = -1; //determines orientation of butterfly


	//line(32 + xcoord[1], 24 + dir*ycoord[1], 32 + xcoord[1+1], 24 + dir*ycoord[1+1]);

    for(var i = 12; i <= height; i += ydist ){ //one iteration is one row
    	dir = firstdir;	//sets first orientation

    	for(var j = 16; j <= width; j+= xdist){ //one iteration is one pattern
    		stroke(127 + dir*127);

    		for (var k = 0; k < xcoord.length; k++){ //one iteration is two lines, mirrored
    			line(j + xcoord[k], i + dir*ycoord[k], j + xcoord[k+1], i + dir*ycoord[k+1]);
    			line(j - xcoord[k], i + dir*ycoord[k], j - xcoord[k+1], i + dir*ycoord[k+1]);
    			//line(j + xcoord[3], i + dir*ycoord[3], j + xcoord[6], i + dir*ycoord[6]); //missing lines whoops
    			//line(j - xcoord[3], i + dir*ycoord[3], j - xcoord[6], i + dir*ycoord[6]); //missing lines whoops
    			line(j + xcoord[0], i + dir*ycoord[0], j + xcoord[3], i + dir*ycoord[3]); //missing lines whoops
    			line(j - xcoord[0], i + dir*ycoord[0], j - xcoord[3], i + dir*ycoord[3]); //missing lines whoops

    		dir = -dir; //flips direction so pattern alternates

    	firstdir = -firstdir; //flips first orientation so next row alternates


function draw() {

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